Skip a few days and for the past couple days me and jonah have been chillen . Round each other houses

Tegan : im going jonahs
Mom : no your not
Tegan : yes i am

I walk out the door and i go to jonahs house

Svea : hi
Tegan : hey svea
Svea : Jonah's upstairs
Tegan : whos to say im not here to see u
Svea : hey if are sorry im meeting friend's
Tegan : dang it

I start coughing She starts laughing

Esther : hey
Tegan : hey
Esther : jonahs upstairs
Tegan : ok

I walk upstairs knocking on his door

Jonah : come in

I walk in

Jonah : hi
Tegan : ello

I sit down and kisses me

Jonah : pleass don't take this as offence but u don't look good
Tegan : im a mess
Jonah : aren't we all
Tegan : true
Jonah : so I've got something to ask
Tegan : shoot
Jonah : would u tegan cooper like to be my girlfriend
Tegan : yes i would love to be your girlfriend

I lean over kissing him

Jonah : yes
Tegan : but even me being your girlfriend i won't sleep with u aleast not for a while
Jonah : ok thats fine
Tegan : good
Jonah ; but no teasing
Tegan : when have i ever teased
Jonah : well not me but i heard u had a thing for teasing liam
Tegan : don't go being exs up
Jonah : ok why do u still have feelings for Liam
Tegan : yes

I let out a little laugh

Jonah : i still have feelings for karma
Tegan : why ask me to be your girlfriend
Jonah : i need a rebound
Tegan : haha after 2 3 years of being over
Jonah : i find it hard

We both start laughing and i start coughing

Jonah : stop smoking
Tegan : stop being a crack head
Jonah : im sorry
Tegan : me too
Jonah : i need more sleep
Tegan ; i could sleep for a week im shatterd
Jonah : u quite literally woke up from a nap before u come here
Tegan : in tired
Jonah : lets have a nap then
Tegan : so down
Jonah ; im gonna be sleeping with u
Tegan ; i guess u are

We lay down facing each other and he plays with my hair

Jonah : chubby cheeks
Tegan : we both have chubby cheeks
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; i got something to ask
Jonah : shoot
Tegan : will u be my date to romeo and lilys wedding
Jonah : yes
Tegan : good
Jonah : when is it
Tegan : next week think u can get suit
Jonah : i have one so yes
Tegan : good
Jonah ; so what day next week
Tegan ; Saturday
Jonah : so less then a week
Tegan : yes
Jonah : ok very exsiting
Tegan : it is but very stressful maid of honour is a lot of work thankfully i won't be planning a wedding of my own
Jonah : what why

He then moves his hand and a load of my hair comes out

Jonah : tegan
Tegan : i know my hair
Jonah : whys it doing that
Tegan : i need to tell u something

He sits up

Jonah : what
Tegan : um...
Jonah : tegan

I go silent looking down

Jonah : tell me before i start thinking the worse
Tegan : i have....cancer

He just looks at me

Jonah : h-how long have u knowen
Tegan : a few days after we started hanging out
Jonah : so a month

I nod my head

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now