Tegan : mom we need to go
Mom : ok
Dad : bye

We walk out the door getting in the car and my mom drives to Minneapolis . Going into the hospital and i get all sorted for chemo

Mom ; how u feeling

I stick my thump up

Tegan : good
Mom : tired
Tegan : yh but all good
Mom : ok
Tegan : mom can u please stop trying to fight with dad
Mom : were trying stop its just a  stressful time
Tegan : i know but its having an affect on jen
Mom ; were trying
Tegan : ok
Mom : right i see lena coming I'll go get food
Tegan : bye

She goes

Lena ; what up
Tegan : the sky
Lena : haha so funny
Tegan ; i know so how u
Lena ; shatterd having a toddler is hard
Tegan : u can do it
Lena ; yh so how u been
Tegan : a lot of vomiting
Lena : u kinda get used to it
Tegan : and like I've got this wired taste in my mouth
Lena : yep that chemo taste but yet again u will get used to it
Tegan ; mhm
Lena : u know it was my sons 3rd birthday today i hate how I'm not there today
Tegan ; you'll see him later
Lena ; i know
Tegan : i just wanna sleep
Lena : me too

I start coughing

Lena : cough up your cuts
Tegan ; im surprised i haven't honesty

We both start laughing

Tegan : loving life
Lena ; it will get better
Tegan : mhm

I lean my head back

Skip a few hours back home

Mom ; go take a nap
Tegan : don't worry i am
Mom ; good

I go upstairs

Romeo : hoe
Lily ; hey don't be mean
Tegan : hey
Lily : how's my maid of honour
Tegan ; tired hows soon to be cooper
Lily ; amzimg but u good Friday to come round to sort last few wedding things. 
Tegan ; yh
Lily : good and please don't lose anymore weight the dresses need to look good
Tegan : trust me I'm trying not to weight
Lily : ok how was chemo
Tegan : a ok
Romeo : lils she needs sleep
Lily : right sorry
Tegan ; love u
Lily : love u too baby

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : bye
Lily : bye

I walk into my room getting in bed and i practically fall asleep stright away .

Skip a few hours

Jonah : wake up

He pokes my face and turn on my side covering my face

Jonah : no wake up
Tegan : go away
Jonah : nope

I pull the covers off my face

Jonah : god your lazy
Tegan : i know
Jonah : did u just have voice crack
Tegan : leave me alone

He starts laughing

Tegan ; my throat hurt
Jonah : my head hurts
Tegan : we can be ill together
Jonah : fun

He gets in bed with me and i cuddle into him

Tegan : your boiling
Jonah ; your frezzing
Tegan : i am cold
Jonah : how its like 100 degrees
Tegan : im wired
Jonah : your bodys ill
Tegan : no shit
Jonah : sexy body
Tegan : shut up

I start coughing

Jonah : love our shitty health

I let out a little laugh

don't let go / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now