-Chapter 2-

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Neville sat in the common room, trying to finish his potions essay. It was due tomorrow but he couldn't concentrate. Luna's happy face kept appearing in her mind. Do I fancy her? He stole a glance at Hermione's essay, but couldn't quite see the neat writing.

Harry sat down next to Neville. "Hey." Neville looked up. "Have you done your essay yet?" Harry looked over to Hermione. "Yes. I'm waiting for Hermione to check it. You should do the same. Just scribble anything down. Hermione will make it a miracle." Harry grinned. Neville nodded. He wrote down something about wormwood and handed it to Hermione before disappearing into bed. Ten minutes later Ron and Harry came in. Ron handed Neville his essay grumpily. "Here." Then he sniggered. "When did you change your name to Luna, mate?" Neville looked down at his paper. Instead of Neville Longbottom he had scrawled Luna Lovegood on his paper. So embarrassing... He ignored Ron's snorts of laughter and fell asleep, dreaming of a girl with silvery eyes and dirty blonde hair...

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! I'm already getting a slight writers block. Neville can't try and ask Luna out already! I'll get some ideas adventually. Thanks for reading!

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