-Chapter 8-

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Neville sat at the table, next to Ginny. He watched Slughorn talk to McLaggen as he poked around in his desert. Neville hated the Slugclub. He had the feeling Slughorn didn't talk to him at all, and was just waiting for the chance to throw him out. The students began to leave, and soon only Neville and Slughorn were in the room.

"Mister Longbottom?"

Neville gulped. "Sir. I..well you know that I'm a NEWT student now. Homework has been getting more every day. And I was wondering, well, if I could skip the Slugclub so I could do my homework."

Slughorn beamed. "Of course my boy!" He turned away. "Wasn't famous enough anyway.", he muttered under his breath, but Neville heard. He turned to leave.

"Oh, and Mister Longbottom?"

Neville looked back annoyed.

"As you know the Slugclub Christmas party is approaching. You're just the man I need to hand out the drinks."

Neville tried to get out of it. "Uh.. Sorry Professor, but I can't go, I have...Er...a date..yes, I have a date."

"What a shame. You'd better be off then."

Neville nearly ran out of the room. He nearly crashed into someone. "Sorry.", he muttered, and then he looked up. Luna. "It's ok.", she said brightly.

"W...what are you doin' here?"

"Sleepwalking. It's why I wear shoes to bed."

Neville nearly laughed. He stopped himself just in time. Luna grasped her cork necklace. "Anyway, bye Neville." She wondered off.

"Bye, Luna."

Neville smiled to himself. He felt like his horrible evening had just become better.

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