-Chapter 17-

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"Luna, your commentary was great yesterday!"

"Thank You, Neville. But I know that's not true. Everyone says I was terrible."

"That's not true at all! People didn't like your commentary because it was...different."

"We're all different."

Neville blinked confused. "Uh yeah."
Luna hopped from one foot to another.
Neville suddenly felt a surge of bravery rush through him. He would tell her.

"Luna, I really like you."

Luna laughed cheerfully. "I like you too, Neville. We're best friends, remember?"
"No, that's not what I meant..."
But Luna skipped off, humming 'Jingle Bells' quietly.
Neville nearly ran after her, when he saw Malfoy strut up. Neville paused in his tracks. How much had he overheard?
"Hanging out with Lovegood, Longbottom? You're like a dream couple. If insanity and stupidness made money, you two would be millionaires."
Neville remembered what Ron had said five years ago. You're worth ten of Malfoy. Neville clenched his teeth. He was about to retort something, when a voice spoke behind him.

"I don't think that's true."

Luna fished a great slab of raw meat out of her bag. "I was saving this for the thestrals, but you can have it."
And with that, she threw it at him.

Malfoy ran off, looking half scared, half engrossed.

"Thanks, Luna."

"No problem. See you Neville."

Luna left before Neville could say anything.

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