-Chapter 12-

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Neville sat next to his grandmother, listening her talk to his great aunt. "Christmas is a time for families", Gran always said. Neville threw a glance at his pile of presents. He knew he wasn't allowed to open them yet. Neville put his head in his hands and he nearly fell asleep. A tapping at the window gave him a start. A barn owl stood at the window. Gran was still talking. Neville jumped to his feet. He quietly opened the window and the owl fluttered on to Neville's shoulder. He dropped a small packet with a blue tag into Neville's hand. The owl flew off. Neville turned the tag over.

Dear Neville. Merry Christmas! Lots of love, Luna

Neville quickly stowed the package away as his grandmother called him. He would open it later.

Neville was surprised how nice his presents were this year. A new rememberal, several herbology books and a grow your 'own wizard plants' set. Then, his gran told everyone it was time to go, and Neville was squashed by everyone and finally, they left. "Come on, Neville. We'd better go.", said Gran.

"Yes, one second, Gran."

Neville sprinted into his room, quickly ripping the paper off Luna's present. A butterbeer cork on an orange ribbon fell out. Neville pressed the necklace against his chest in awe. Why didn't he get Luna anything? He put it on, hiding the cork under his shirt. "Neville, dear!"

Neville hopped down the stairs, nearly tripping over his own feet. He had to step straight into the fire, shouting 'St.Mungos!'

Neville handed his parents his present. "Merry Christmas, Mum. Merry Christmas, Dad." Gilderoy Lockhart, who was in a bed nearby, was chattering on about his fan mail. Gran was talking to the nurse about Neville's parents health. She turned around. "Come on, Neville. We need to go." Neville turned to leave, but Alice Longbottom pressed a Droobles Best Chewinggum wrapper into Neville's hand. Gran shook her head. "Throw it away, Neville." But like every other wrapper from his mother, Neville put it in his pocket. "Thanks, Mum", he whispered. And Neville could of sworn he had saw his mother wink at him before he left the room.

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