-Chapter 20-

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Neville uncomfortably shifted in his chair. Meeting up in Hogsmeade was not working out as planned. Luna was chattering on about Nargles. Neville sat there, sometimes saying "yeah" or "right". He took a sip of his butterbeer.

"...they normally hide in mistletoe, though I think there's also some under my bed. It would explain why my socks keep disappearing..."

Neville secretly wondered what Nargles were. He absentmindedly began to play with his butterbeer cork necklace, which he had not taken off since Christmas.

"...and last year, they stole my shoes, I thought it might be some other Ravenclaw's but it turned out to be the nargles..."

The ribbon suddenly snapped and the cork clattered to the ground. It hardly made any noise, but Luna looked up. "What was that?" Her eyes caught the cork necklace. Her eyes widened. Neville felt himself go red.
"After all this time?", Luna whispered.
"Always", replied Neville.
Luna bent down to pick up the necklace. She rested her arms on Neville's shoulders, and tied the ribbon back together again. When Neville was wearing it again, good as new, Luna didn't move her arms. She clasped her hands together behind his back, and came closer. Neville could see every eyelash in detail now... He had never noticed how long they were... Luna took a last step forward and kissed him. Neville kissed her back. His heart was beating like mad. After seconds, minutes or even hours they broke up. Luna was beaming at Neville. She grasped Neville's hand, like at the funeral. She squeezed it. But this time, she didn't let go.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I just wanted to ask: Who has a Pottermore account? I'm DragonStar10767 and please become my friend!!

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