-Chapter 10-

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Luna was pinning up posters when Neville approached her. Neville quickly threw a glance at them: MISSING! History of Magic book. Probably been hidden. Luna Lovegood.

"People have been hiding your stuff?" Neville frowned. "That's horrible, evil!"

"Oh, don't misunderstand me", Luna said cheerfully, "it's all good fun. But I really need my book back before my next History of Magic lesson."

"Oh, you can have mine. I'm not taking History of Magic NEWTS but my gran accidently packed my old book. I'll go and get it now." Neville raced off to the Gryffindor common room, for once remembering where the false-steps were. He said the password without hesitation, and ran up to his dormitory and retrieved his book, which he had nearly thrown in the bin. Neville rushed back down, where Luna was hanging up another poster. "Here you go, Luna. Don't bother about giving it back, I won't be needing it." Luna gratefully smiled at him. "That's very kind of you. Thank you." Neville smiled back.

"Are you going to Professor Slughorn's christmas party? I heard you were in his club."

Luna's question surprised Neville. "No, I'm not. I well, I quit the Slugclub. And Slughorn was quite pleased to let me go."

"That's a shame. I'm going with Harry, you know, just as friends.", Luna's voice was as dreamy as ever.

"Oh..oh right."

"Well I was hoping you would come. Parties are always more fun with friends like you. Well, I'd better get going. Thank you for the book, Neville." She skipped away, the book pressed to her chest. And in that moment, Neville made a silent vow to himself, that he would find a way to go to Slughorn's Party, even if it would be the last thing he'd ever do.

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