-Chapter 13-

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School started and the teachers were beginning to think 'the more homework the better'. Neville guiltily thought of all the homework piled up next to his bed. On a cold, snowy day, Neville realised with a jolt that he still hadn't thanked Luna properly for his Christmas present. He still felt bad about not buying anything for her. Neville caught up with Luna on a late evening that day.

"Uh, Luna, wait up!"

Luna stopped, her eyes shining bright. "Neville!"

Neville's stomach lurched, he wanted to run. His confidence had disappeared.

"I wanted to thank you for my present. I'm sorry I didn't get you one."

"I don't mind. I wasn't expecting one." Neville suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He muttered a spell under his breath, and flicked his wand. He prayed that the spell would work. A single, red rose, no thorns appeared in his hand. Neville proudly handed Lina the rose. He had meant for at least five flowers to appear, but it wasn't that bad. It wasn't an explosion, or a fire, or a frog. Luna beamed as she put the rose behind her ear.

"How sweet", came a mocking voice behind them.

Neville slowly turned around. Professor Snape stood behind them, his lips curled to a sneer. "Longbottom, let me remind you that you have detention!"

Neville bit his tongue hard. He nearly yelped in pain. "B...but Professor? D..detention finished before the half term!" Neville had feared Snape since he had first met him. Secretly, he knew that a boggart would still take shape of Snape in front of Neville.

"Well, I see you haven't done your homework yet!"

"B..but sir, I was going to do it later!", Neville lied

"Don't lie to me, Longbottom! I can see you had no intention of doing it! You were going to go to dinner and then you were going to plant some seeds! Detention, for your cheek! Now!"

Neville wondered how Snape knew this. He lowered his head. Luna gave him a sympathetic look. He was about to follow Snape, when Professor Sprout appeared. "Ah Neville, just the boy i was looking for! I have received new mandrakes, would you help me put them in their pots?"

Snape coughed. "Ahem. Longbottom has detention."

Professor Sprout shot him a glare. "Well, I dare say these mandrakes are more important. Ah Miss Lovegood, why don't you come too?" And Professor Sprout bustled the two away from a very angry Snape. And Neville spent a nice evening repotting plants with Luna.

A/N: See if you can figure this out: the first one to find out why Snape knew what Neville was going to do will have the next chapter dedicated to them! Have fun guessing!

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