-Chapter 4-

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Neville caught Hermione on his way, like he had hoped. "Hey, Hermione!"

"Yes, what is it?", there was a slightly inpatient tone in her voice that made him back off.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ask away."

"Well...there's this friend of mine, who really likes a girl. And I'm.. I

Meant..he's not sure what to do. "

Hermione smiled. "Let's see, I'd leave hints that you..I mean of course he, likes this girl. Maybe talk to her more, compliment her."

"Thanks Hermione. I will, sorry, I'll tell him."

Her entered the dungeons, where Professor Slughorn greeted him. Neville saw an empty seat next to Ron. He sat down. "Hey Ron."

"Hi Neville."

Slughorn made them do an essence of 'life and death', and the best one would win a Felix Felixis, a lucky potion. Neville hoped to win it, he could do with a bit of luck, maybe he could successfully ask Luna out, our maybe just talk to her. That seemed hard enough at the moment. He worked as hard as he could, and it actually looked decent for once. He grabbed some blue liquid, preparing to pour it in, but he slipped, and the whole contents fell in. The potion turned a horrible green, and it exploded.

Neville opened his eyes. He was in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey stood next to him. She handed him a bottle. "Drink up!", she said, "you have some visitors!"

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