-Chapter 3-

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Neville wasn't hungry. He cut his toast into about a thousand pieces, he couldn't stop staring at Luna. He was sure now. He loved Luna 'Loony' Lovegood. Well I can't do anything about it. Ron patted his back. "Alright, mate? You look like you might be sick." Ron put a large amount of food in his mouth, whilst he followed Nevilles gaze. Ron spluttered, toast flying everywhere. Hermione looked disgusted. "Ronald! You really are revolting." But Ron was staring at Neville. " 'Una, an' you...'our essa' it 'akesence! 'Ou 'ove 'Una!"

"What on earth are you talking about? Terego." Hermione waved her wand. The toast disappeared. but Neville turned a bright red and muttered. "Don't tell anyone." Ron swallowed. "This is great! Don't you see?" Neville didn't see, neither did he hear the sneering tone in Ron's voice. But Ron rambled on. "When will you ask her out?"

"What?" Neville choked on his pumpkin juice. This wasn't like Ron. "You can't be serious? I'm not ever doing that!" Luna was gazing at them, interested. "I like her as a friend, but if you think I'll ask her out, well, you're wrong!" He stood up. He had to get out of here. He needed to confide in someone...someone who would understand. His first thought was Ginny. She dated someone new nearly every month. He discarded the idea when he remembered Ron's reaction. And Ginny was Ron's sister. Harry? No I don't think he's ever dated anyone before. Hermione? Neville remembered how Hermione had gone to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum. There were rumours that he was her boyfriend. Neville nodded to himself. Hermione would do. She would have the sense to keep quiet too. He grabbed his school bag, Hoping to corner Hermione before potions.

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