19 Years later...

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On a sunny day, on Platform 9 3/4, a family stood there, like many others. The father was tall and had dark hair. The mother had long, dirty blond hair and her swollen stomach showed that she was almost nine months pregnant. Two girls were talking quietly, the blond girl was about 14 and the one with mousy-coloured hair 11.
A six year old boy was holding his mothers hand, his thumb in his mouth. The family had tried so hard to make him stop sucking his thumb, with charts, with stickers, with promises, but nothing had worked so far. Anyway, this family was the Longbottom family.

"Dad?", Alice asked, "I am going to be in Gryffindor, right? You were in Gryfindor."

"Why do you want to be in Gryiffindor? Ravenclaw is by far the best", said Alaska.

"Gryiffindor", whispered Alfred, "Ravenclaw"

Neville smiled at his youngest daughter. "You might be in Gryffindor. Just remember that your mother was a Ravenclaw. So don't be to disappointed if you become a Ravenclaw."
For a while, the family walked in silence, except the girls, who were whispering.

"Mum, Dad", Alaska said, "We're going to go. I'm going to help Alice find Rose and Albus and then I'm going to sit with Anna and Sophie."
Luna have her daughters a quick hug. So did Neville. "See you two this evening."
Alice and Alaska hurried off, waving. Then, the train whistle blew.
"Professor Longbottom! Someone just squirted stinksap everywhere!", someone shouted.
Neville sighed. "I'd better get going, Luna. I'm sorry I couldn't find a replacement teacher. Professor Sprout is getting to old and I'm head of Gryffindor now. Just send me an owl as soon as the baby's born. I'll be there as soon as possible. And remember...."
"If it's a girl, Xenia Augusta and if it's a boy, Carlos Xenophilius.", Luna interrupted.
"And if it's twins?", Neville teased. He kissed his wife on both cheeks. "Take care."

"You too. Beware of the Nargles."

Neville picked Alfred up. "Bye Alfie. See you soon. If you stop sucking your thumb by Christmas, Daddy will buy you a toy broom." That did it. Alfred carefully put his thumb in his pocket.
Neville hopped on to the train, waving.

Neville's hands trembled. He could almost feel Alaska's scared look from the Ravenclaw table, and Alice's from the Gryffindor table. Neville had received a letter yesterday saying that Luna had been moved to St. Mungo's. he took a deep breath and ripped open the envelope. A single word stood there in Luna's neat handwriting. Twins.

A/N: Noooo my book is finally finished!! I hope you enjoyed it. Thankyou sooo much for reading!!! For those who care, here are some details about the Longbottom children!
•Alaska Luna Longbottom (14, 4th year, Ravenclaw)
•Alice Ginevra Longbottom (11, 1st year, Gryffindor)
•Alfred (Nicknamed Alfie) Neville Longbottom (5, will be in Gryffindor)
•Carlos Xenophilius and Karl Frank Longbottom (newborn, twins, will bot be in Ravenclaw)
Thanks for reading once more!! ~Frozenpaw

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