-Chapter 9-

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Neville watched the Slytherin players march on to the pitch. Her noticed that Malfoy wasn't playing, or Vaisey. He cheered with his fellow Gryffindors as their team jogged in. Harry shook hands with Urquhart, Slytherin's captain.

"Mount your brooms!", boomed Madam Hooch's voice, "on the whistle... Three... Two... One..." The whistle was blew, and the players kicked off from the frosty ground.

Neville noticed that Zacharias Smith, a Hufflepuff whom had been in DA last year. "Well, there they they go, and I think we're all surprised to see the team that Potter's put together this year. Many thought, given Ronald Weasley's patchy performance as Keeper last year, that he might be off the team, but of course, a close personal friendship with the Captain does help..." The Slytherins jeered and clapped loudly. Urquhart attempted o shoot a goal, but Ron made a most spectacular save. Neville cheered loudly. Smith began to wonder out loud whether the two Weasleys were only there because Harry liked them. But Ron saved goals with apparent ease. Neville remembered his poor performance last year, thinking he must if been practicing over the summer. Ginny shot six, seven, no, eight goals. Suddenly, Harper, whom was playing for Malfoy, collided with Harry deliberately. Neville joined in the Gryffindors angry shouts. But Madam Hooch had her back turned, and Harper sped off.

"And I think Harper of Slytherin has seen the Snitch!", Smith said through the megaphone, "Yes, he's certainly seen something Potter hasn't!"

Harry went faster, and Neville crossed his fingers. Harper stretched his hand out, reaching for the snitch...

"Oi, Harper!", Harry called. Neville looked up, his fingers still crossed in his lap, "How much did Malfoy pay you to come on instead of him?" Harper frowned, and the Snitch slipped through his fingers. Harry made a great swipe for it, and caught it. Neville stood up, cheering. He joined in the 'ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!' and Ginny sped across past everyone, colliding into the commentator's podium. "Forgot to brake, Professor, sorry." Neville laughed.

Neville was about to recite the password to the fat lady, when the door sang open to see Hermione, trees running down her cheek. Neville entered the room. In full view of the whole room, stood Ron wrapped so closely around Lavender Brown. Neville made a quick escape into his dormitory. He threw himself into his bed, feeling as happy as ever.

A/N: In this chapter, I stole LOADS from the real book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) so I wanted to say, loads and loads of credit to J.K.Rowling!!!

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