Chapter 10

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Umji's POV

"So a boy huh?" Yuju unnie asked looking at Jihoon. We're all seated in a round table at the backyard and I'm feeding Jihoon while they're all watching me.

"He looks so cute!" Eunha said resisting the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"He looks so much like Suga." Yerin unnie said staring at Jihoon.

"Mommy who is Suga?" Jihoon asked and the girls gasped.

"He doesn't know?" SinB asked and I sighed before nodding. They all looked at me shocked and disappointed at the same time. "He has to know."

"I know but—" I was cut off.

"Hey girls!! Eh? Umji, you're here? And Jihoon!" V greeted. Wait he knows Jihoon?

"Mr. Nice Guy from the pet store!" Jihoon cheered. Did Jihoon meet all of them in the pet store? Seriously? "Look Mommy! it's that Mister who looks like me!" Jihoon said and pointed behind me. I felt someone's breath behind my neck making me freeze on my spot.

"Nice to see you again Yewon." He smirked and stood beside me. "Hey Jihoon." He greeted and they fist bumped. They're close already? What? How?

"Shocked?" He smirked and I just stared at Jihoon. "You know you're really bad at parenting. Always leaving Jihoon alone."

"Oh so now I'm bad at parenting?" I frowned and rolled my eyes at him.

"Mommy can I play there?" Jihoon asked doing his little puppy eyes that's just way irresistible.

"Sure Baby but don't go near the pool alright?" I said and he nodded eagerly. I wiped his mouth with a tissue before he ran away towards the other kids. After Jihoon left the table was filled with awkward, very awkward silence.

"Soooo you're his Mom." Jimin started and I just nodded as response.

"So where did you go?" SinB asked timidly.

"Seattle with my family." I answered and I noticed Yoongi staring intently at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I say coldly not even looking at him and the others looked at me confused. I looked at Yoongi smirking but got shocked when a camera flashed right in front of my face. Literally!

"Yah! Delete that!" I yelled and he looked at me with an innocent but annoying look.

"Yah me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes 'Yah' you!" I said and reached for his phone but he kept on passing it through his hands at his back making it harder for me to take it.


We stopped and looked at our back and there is that girl. That whore to be specific and she's smirking with an angry expression? Does it make sense? I don't care she's just unhappy.

"You two seem to be getting along." She said sarcastically and I frowned at her. "Hey Babe." She said then kissed Yoongi's cheek. Babe? What a disgusting nickname. Insert vomiting sounds please!

"Oh hey it's the girl who's out of date." She grinned. Testing me huh?

"Oh hey it's the prostitute mistress. How much did you earn today?" I fire back and the next thing? Everybody gasped when a hard slap hit my face.

"Stay away from my boyfriend!" She said angrily with gritted teeth.

"Make me." I smirked then glaring at her, ignoring the sting of her slap on my cheek.

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