Chapter 15

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Umji's POV

We're currently meeting up with the director because they wanted to clarify why I want to quit when they already announced to the public that I'm gonna in the magazine cover for this month. And of course, Yoongi came with us cause he insisted. He's the worst! Arghhh..

"Who's gonna be her partner?" He asked coldly. Can't this guy at least give respect to the director?

"A random model."

"No. I do not approve of that." He shake his head and I just face palmed. He shushes me every time I want to say something.

"Suga you're a model right?" The director asked and he nodded. Wait he's a model? How come I have no idea? "Then why don't you be her partner?"

"SURE!/NO!" We said in unison and glared at each other.

"Come on. Umji this is the only way! Also you do have chemistry with him so it'll be fine. It'll be perfect!" The director said smiling. "It's decided! Let's get these two ready!" He said and I just looked at them shocked. Seriously? Is no one gonna let me speak here? Goshh!

"Umji!" I looked at who called me and it is Sanha. He ran towards me panting and I just looked at him confused. "Who was the guy who answered you phone earlier?"

"My phone earlier? A guy?" I asked him confused. Who could that guy even be? I slowly glared at Yoongi and he just mouthed what?

"Yah! You answered it didn't you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"So you're Sanha." He smirked and coldly looked at Sanha. What's his problem?

"Yeah. Who are you? Who are you to tell me 'Lunch date my ass'?" He said what?! Min Yoongi!!!

"Me? I'm her husband. And you? Who are you?" Yoongi confidently said and Sanha just clenched his fists glaring at him. "Seriously Yewon who's this?"

"My assistant and best friend." I answered in a bored tone. Haven't I told you before? Sanha is also my assistant.

"You're his assistant?" Yoongi smiled. What's he up to? Sanha nodded confidently. "You're fired."


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