Chapter 28

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It was exactly 6pm
Kylie's heart fluttered with excitement as she prepared a special meal for her husband. She wanted to show him how much she appreciated his support during her time off. With every chop and stir, she poured her love into the dishes, hoping that the flavors would convey her gratitude. As the aroma filled the kitchen, she couldn't wait to see the smile on his face when he tasted her culinary creation.

When Ryan came back, she couldn't contain her excitement. She rushed towards him with open arms, hoping for a warm embrace and a reconnection. However, to her surprise, he didn't reciprocate her hug and continued to give her the silent treatment. This left Kylie feeling hurt and confused, as she had expected a different response from him.

She eagerly invited him to sit down. However, he remained silent with a cold expression on his face. Despite his demeanor, she continued to talk to him, acknowledging that he must be tired from a long day at work. She even mentioned having a surprise for him after he finished eating, causing her to blush.

"I don't need that right now, thank you!"

She stood waiting for him to eat his food, but he didn't even touch it. He was busy pressing his phone.
After a few minutes, Ryan stood up and walked out of the dining room, heading straight to the bedroom.

Kylie couldn't understand what was going on. She followed him to ask him what was wrong.

"Did I do something wrong to you?"

He finally looked at her and asked, "Why?"

"You haven't been smiling since you came back from work, and you didn't even touch your food."

From her eyes, he could see how worried she was. He thought to himself, amazed at her caring nature, as he continued to press his phone.

"Do you need something?" she asked, tears welling up.
He didn't respond, still engrossed in his phone.

"R-Ryan, please, can y-you..."

"What?" he shouted. "You want me to pay attention to you?"
"You should know that I'm back from work and I'm fucking tired. Every good wife is supposed to understand that when her husband is tired, the only thing he needs is to be left alone.

Days turned into weeks, and the silence grew louder with each passing moment. Kylie's mind raced with questions, her heart aching for answers. She tried to reach out, to break through the barrier that Ryan had erected, but her attempts were met with indifference. It was as if he had become a stranger, a mere ghost of the man she once knew.

She found herself caught in a cycle of mixed emotions. Despite the silence and distance between them, there were moments when Ryan would come back home late, his desires overpowering his previous indifference. And in those moments, she would often give in, hoping that physical intimacy would bridge the emotional gap between them. It was a bittersweet exchange, filled with longing, confusion, and a desperate attempt to hold onto what was left of their connection. After their intimate moments, a heavy silence would fill the room. Kylie would lie there, feeling a mix of emotions - a combination of longing, emptiness, and a lingering hope for something more. Ryan, on the other hand, would retreat into himself, his mind seemingly consumed by other thoughts and desires. It was as if their physical connection only served to highlight the growing emotional distance between them, leaving Kylie feeling even more lost and uncertain about their future together.

She sought solace in her writing, pouring her emotions onto the pages of her journal. The ink became her confidant, the only listener to her silent cries for help. She poured her heart out, hoping that somehow, the words would find their way to Ryan and break down the walls he had built. But as the days turned into months, Kylie realized that she couldn't wait for Ryan to break his silence. She had to find her own voice, her own strength. She began to take small steps towards reclaiming her identity, pursuing her own passions and dreams. She realized that she deserved more than a relationship shrouded in silence. She deserved love, understanding, and open communication. And if Ryan couldn't provide that, then perhaps it was time for her to find her own path.

Little did she know, the silence that had once consumed her would become the catalyst for her own transformation. In the face of adversity, she found her strength, her resilience, and her voice. And as she took her first steps towards a new beginning, she knew that she would never again allow silence to define her.

She mustered up all her courage and approached Ryan, her heart pounding with anticipation. She found him sitting in the living room, lost in his own thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she began speaking, her voice filled with a mix of emotions.

"Ryan, we need to talk," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I've been feeling so frustrated and hurt lately, and I can't keep it all inside anymore. I want us to be able to communicate openly and honestly, to understand each other's perspectives and work towards a better future together."

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the pain she had been carrying for so long. She poured out her feelings, expressing her disappointment in his lack of empathy and understanding. She shared her fears of losing their connection and her desire for a deeper emotional bond.

"I know we've been through a lot, and it hasn't been easy for either of us," she continued, her voice filled with determination. "But I believe that if we can truly listen to each other and make an effort to meet each other's needs, we can find a way to rebuild what we once had. I want us to be a team, supporting and uplifting each other through the ups and downs of life."

She paused, looking into his eyes, hoping to see a glimmer of understanding and willingness to work things out. It was a vulnerable moment, laying her heart bare before him, hoping that he would reciprocate her efforts and take steps towards healing their relationship.

Ryan's reaction to what she said was a mix of anger and disbelief. He couldn't comprehend how she could lack empathy and understanding.

As the adrenaline coursed through Ryan's veins, his emotions reached a boiling point. He couldn't contain his anger and frustration any longer. With trembling hands and a voice filled with venom, he confronted the woman.

"You've taken everything from me," Ryan seethed, his eyes blazing with a mix of pain and rage. "How could you be so heartless? You've shattered my family, and yet you expect me to see the good in you? I can't believe you even thought someone like me will love someone so selfish and cruel like you."

His words hung heavy in the air, each one a sharp dagger piercing through the woman's facade. Ryan's voice cracked with the weight of his emotions, a raw vulnerability breaking through the anger.

"But I won't let you destroy me any further," he continued, his tone firm and resolute. "I will fight for what's right, for the well-being of my sister. You won't manipulate me anymore. It's time for me to take control, to protect what's left of our shattered lives."

In that moment, Ryan's words echoed with a newfound determination. He had reached his breaking point, and from the ashes of his pain, a fierce resolve emerged. Revenge was no longer his goal, but to send Kylie to jail.

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