Part 2

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*Warning strong language involved


"Magnus, can I talk to you for a sec?" Asmodeus spoke in between the close door after knocking several times but Magnus choose to ignore his father. Magnus has always despised everyone in his life including his father, blaming him for his mother leaving. He was only eight when he saw his mother dragged her luggage out from the house, the big empty house with no one else to play except for the maids which he claimed too dumbed to understand him.

The memory hit him so hard he thought everyone in his life would end up leaving him instead, so he changed into a brooding, carefree, rule breaking boy in the neighborhood. He turned into a brat more and more each day and Asmodeus couldn't figure out what else to do to him.

If at school he bullied every single person he could because he can and always get away with it. He was caught once stealing in the liquor shop but his father begged the guy and even bribed him some money which he accepted it with a smirk and devil grin. Anything he touches breaks and every relationship he had is either with whores or some boys who fell hopelessly in love with him which then he called them the collection of his 'Cretin'.

Asmodeus stomped into the room despite Magnus' protest and saw his son on the bed with headphones on his head separated him from the outside world. He didn't bother to look but kept his eyes on his phone in his hand and Asmodeus had it enough, he walked by Magnus side and snatched the headphone's off from his head and throw it on the end of the bed, "What the fuck!?" Magnus screamed at his face.

"I had enough with your tantrum Magnus, I need to discuss something with you and I need your full attention. Will you just tell the monkey in your brains to stop and listen for once." Asmodeus can be witty with his son but also scary as hell according to Magnus, for some reason why he never left the house, although he hated everyone in this world, he knew his father cared for him, or still care for him.

He huffed crossing his arm around his chest while Asmodeus took a seat next to him on the bed. "Listen, you know I have been seeing Anna for a while now." Magnus shot him a glare with an annoyed look on his face, "Get to the point father, I don't want to imagine you fucking her in my brain." He spat and Asmodeus sighed.

"I never asked you too." He smirked raising one of his eyebrow and Magnus pout trying to hide his annoyance.

"I love her Magnus, I proposed to her and she said yes." Asmodeus said and Magnus snapped, he jolted from his bed and stood on the other side, "The fuck? Why? What about me then? That bitch is not gonna live in this house under the same roof as I am." He bursted and Asmodeus took his ground, he stood and face his son and their heights are barely reaching each other, Magnus took his mother height but his father temper and his father's look although he has his mother's eyes.

"Don't speak about her like that! You're gonna stay under my roof you will learn your place! First thing is watch your language! A gentleman never need to cursed to make his statement." Asmodeus pointed his finger towards Magnus but he brought it back to his side.

"Oh, forgive me my lord, I forgot you are chivalrous and honorable Asmodeus Bane who couldn't keep his wife at bay and fucked whores on the street!" Asmodeus shook his head in disbelief before bringing his hand to his nose bridge. "You're gonna bring that woman in here after what you did to mum, letting her enjoyed her life, sipping teas like motherfucking princess and sleep on bed that you and mum shared since the day you are married to her until she left us! I'm not gonna allow that father, not in my world." Magnus said stomping his foot as he left the room angrily, "Magnus!" Asmodeus screamed for him but he chose to ignore him and left eventually.

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