Part 14

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"Sir, your champagne." The stewardess handed Magnus his drinks with a playful smile as he replied with his devilish smiles. He knew how she purposely lowered her own uniform to show him her perfect cleavage. "Behave." Charles said as he sipped the cool crisp wine and placed them back on the arm rest.

Truth is he wasn't thinking much of the stewardess who puts too much make up for a six hours flight. His mind was actually wanders to the tall boy in the duty free shop. "Come one Charles, live a little." Magnus said handing him a same glass to drink but he declined politely. Magnus never saw him drinks ever since he was a kid but again, he never sees him out of his butler outfit.

Charles sat next to him with a white button up shirt and a white pants like some Englishman but he is just - Charles.

"The fact that your idea to bring me along and wasted your father's money had me juggling my life choice here sir." Charles said while buckling his seatbelts. "And I hate flying." He gripped the arm rest preparing for the take off but it was not until the captain said so. It somehow amusing for Magnus to witness an old guy in a white outfit to be scared of flying. He knew him his whole life but not once he knew about his own personal being.

"My father deserves it for ditching me the last minute. Plus, we can use this time to know about each other." Magnus said keeping his gaze towards the stewardess, he winked at her making her blushed and giggling with her colleague.

"I know everything about you." He replied and Magnus turned his gaze from the stewardess to him, "Yes but I know nothing of you. If anything happened to you, I don't know to whom should I speak with." Magnus said and somehow the last comment made Charles felt a little bit insecure. Did Magnus dragged him here to kill him?

"Sir if I may?" He asked tilting his body slightly to face Magnus but he on the other hand kept his posture straight. "Why did you buy that sweets for the boy anyway? Usually you're not the one to share. Especially if you know people wanted it, then you would keep it just for your own good even though you don't need them."

Magnus looked to his side and stared at Charles' face. "I had my reasons." He answered and let his gaze back at the stewardess who now preparing for their take off.

Magnus was lucky that he chose to sit on the aisle while Charles had fallen asleep with his head rested on the seat. He placed the blanket on top of that old man before he smirked. Magnus then stood and headed towards the lavatory to relieve himself.

He came out few minutes later and was met with the same stewardess before. She was waiting for him and her fingers twirling her blonde hair while her body leaned up against the wall of the lavatory. Magnus smirked before he himself mirrored her body against the wall.

"Hello gorgeous." He said and she smiled widely, blush crept on her face as she tried to hide it. "I like this." Magnus said deliberately making his hand on the top of her cleavage touching her cold skin aiming for the scarf she had around her neck.

"I can make it better." She said leaning closer towards Magnus and he grinned. She pulled Magnus hand on her chest towards the lavatory and locked it from inside.


"Welcome to Hawaii Lightwoods!!!!" They screamed just after they all got off the arrival gates carrying their bags. Alec was surprised but then when he sees the person who screamed, he relaxed a bit. "I thought you aren't joining us." Alec said hugging Valentine's body and kissed Jocelyn on her cheeks. It follows by his parents and his siblings after. "Are you kidding me? Who would lead you for your five days trip?" Valentine answered and Alec could see Jace is trying to hide his excitement towards Clary who now had her head covered with a white summer hat and she's wearing a white tank top and a green floral skirt. She looks beautiful with her fiery red head escapes from the sides.

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