Part 33

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"Everyone just keep an eye on their grounds, we might not find anything but if there's anything just alert me." Asmodeus commanded through their headphones. They both nodded with a simple answer understood of his instructions.

As they circled the ocean and few of islands, Asmodeus decided they turned back to their hotel for rest and try out again this evening but Maryse insisted to go on so he did.

Few sighs and neck turned but nothing could indicate Alec or Magnus were around the island. They were looking for any sign like floating boat or even an emergency signed but everything fails.

"What the hell?" Asmodeus cursed under his breath when he spotted the large smoke on his right coming from one of the small island. He knows that island is a dead island, no village or whatsoever but the most important part is, he already circled the island before but never saw anything coming from that place.

He circled lower a bit and noticed half of the island is already burnt to the ground and when he cornered to the other side, he saw the emergency sign barely shown probably due to lack of items.

"Holy shit. Holy crap!" He started to get antsy and lowered their chopper down on the ground. "Careful sir, it could be a trap." Charles warned but he couldn't deny his own heart that beats like a drum, pounding through his chest. He didn't bother to listened as he steps on the sand and starts to look for any sign of life or perhaps two boys desperate need in help.


Magnus was slapping his own mind for unable to express his own feeling to Alec. He almost said what he wanted to say but somehow he felt discourage and unprepared for the worst if he did say them to Alec. He wasn't worried of saying that he loves him but the outcome of it made him retracted cowardly.

He cleaned himself enough and was about to prepare them something to eat and he couldn't figured out what to get them. He was walking out from the woods heading back towards their tent when he heard the sound from the sky. The sound he would never had thought of hearing it for days now.

He ran out as fast as he could to be able to catch whatever it is that could be their savior. As he reached the shore he looked over his tent and found Alec wasn't there where he had left him. He looked up and saw a chopper about to circled back and he kept waving at it screaming at the top of his lungs.

He walked further and saw from far Alec is bending and picking stuffs up from the ground and he screamed his name in happiness. He saw him turned and tried to walk further to him in small steps so he screamed further, "They're coming!" He screamed and from far, he saw Alec started to lose his balanced.

He felt so close but yet so far away from Alec and when he saw him fell to the ground and hit his head on the rock, his heart drops like it fell thousand feet from the sky. "ALEC!!!" He screamed again with his legs running as fast as he can.

He went to his side and Alec was staring at the sky above him, Magnus cradled his head closer to him and felt how his weaken by the minute. "Alec stay with me." He whispered in tears. Their hands tangled tight like a bond and Magnus could remember how hard he held on Alec's grip making sure he's okay.

"M-Mags." Alec tried to say something but Magnus shushed him, "Save your breath darling, I'm here." He whispered as he sniffed and Alec gulped his last words before his eyes started to close like he's falling asleep.

"Alec don't you dare close your eyes. Alec, wake up! Open your eyes. Alec please don't leave me. I love you, please. I need you to hear this. I love you so much please. Wake up. Please wake up." He kept begging for him tapping his cheeks to keep him awake but Alec didn't.

"I love you." He whispered as he kissed Alec on his forehead and leaned his cheek against it. Tears dropped like waterfall beyond Magnus' control. From far he could hear voices. For days they had been on this island, this is the first time he heard other people's voices other than him or Alec.

"Magnus! Alec!" He could hear his father's voice but almost as if his own mind playing tricked on him but when he turned, he sworn he wished he was dreaming and soon when he's awake all of this would disappear.

"Magnus!" His father called again and this time he could see Alec's mum was there next to him and also his future step-mother and Charles followed besides them. "Dad?" He called and soon as Asmodeus heard his voice behind the big rock, he glanced quick as a wind and their eyes locked.

He could see how his father shed tears when he saw him but then his gaze changed when he saw him cradled unconscious boy he met once before on his lap. "Alec!" Maryse screamed as she ran towards them and took Alec away from him. "Alec, I'm here. Mummy's here. Wake up sweetie please, open your eyes." She begged but Magnus just sat there staring at her unable to move.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and Maryse turned her gaze at him. Still holding Alec towards her chest, she cupped Magnus' cheeks instead, "Thank you, for taking care of him." She said and went to hug her son.

"Magnus." Asmodeus called and Magnus stood from his seat, they both stood and stare at each other before Asmodeus pulled him toward his chest and they crushed into a bone tightening hug. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He kept repeating his words and Magnus was taken back by it. Slowly he let his arms wrapped around his father's body returning his hugs.

"I miss you dad." He whispered and they both cried in tears. Charles stood beside him patting his back also shed few tears of his own. Magnus nodded at him and Anna. Asmodeus released Magnus from his hugs and began to inspect him from any injuries he worried off. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked as he tossed and turned Magnus body around and cheeks tilted to see any damaged.

"I'm fine dad but Alec- " He turned and Charles went to Alec's side trying to help as much as he can. He placed two fingers on Alec's neck for about few seconds before he released them. "He still has his pulse but it's weak. We need to get him to the hospital right now!" He commanded and Maryse let him carried Alec in his arm towards their chopper.

He lay down Alec's weak body on the back of the chopper before he took a blanket and covered him. Maryse sat beside Alec and tried to help strapping him to prevent from him moving and fall. They all sets to leave when Magnus stops himself before getting on the chopper. He turned and stares at the empty island reminiscing the time he had with Alec. Their fights, their made ups, their kisses, their talks will always be a memory of him.

Although the island may seems like a villain in his life story, but this island showed him more than he could learned in his years of living. The island has connected him to the one he love and for some reason, also teaching him what this world would be like if he has nothing. 

Images of him and Alec fought, made up, running and walked along the beaches seems only just yesterday running through his mind. He wished in his heart he would hold on to this memory forever. 

"Magnus?" Anna called and he turned his gaze towards her with tears in his eyes while climbing into the chopper and went to Alec's side. He grabbed his hand in his and hold it tight not wanting to let go just yet. "Hang on Alec, I have more things to tell you, to share with you. You can't just leave yet. I won't let you." He promised him and he kissed him on his lips right in front of Maryse and Anna which earned both of them a gasped.

He didn't quite hear them but he couldn't care less. His gaze are fixed on Alec's angelic face not bother with the audience he had. 

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