Part 41

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"Just close your eyes and think of something nice."




"Don't go away, I love you."

"Magnus, what are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"You hear me? I love you!"

"I love you!"

Alec could hear beeping slowly at first. He feels like he's just emerged from underwater and his sight and his hearing just return to him. He can't make out the sound just yet, he tried too but he can't. He felt like his head is thousand times heavy and his chest and his whole body had a tons of weights sitting on him.

He tried again to open his eyes but his eyes felt heavier and heavier. His throat felt like someone stuck a hand in them, like he was tied with a cloth around his mouth and he can't speak, he can't swallowed. He can't even move his jaw to call for help.

Suddenly a reassuring hand placed on top of his shoulder, he could sense the warmth and relief surged around his chest. Later the comforting hand whispered into his ears. 

"Not yet, Alec, rest. Not the time yet. Just rest. You need it."

Somehow the reassuring voice sound so familiar but he couldn't make out of it. But with that voice disappearing, he finally find back his darkness and falls deeply into his sleep.

"You promised Alec?" Max's voice sound so distant but slowly he could see his little brother's face.

"I promise. I'll come back and we will have fun together." He couldn't remember making this promises but somehow he owned to it.

"I am so proud of you Alec, this is what you have always dreamt off." His mother's voice sound so happy, what exactly he dreamt. He couldn't remember what this happiness is all about.

"Ow, Alexander loves pulling mummy hair don't you."

He could see his mother's voice, and her face appears looking down at him. She looks so beautiful with her raven locks just falling down on her face. She looks just like Isabelle only ten times older but not the way she looks right now. She must be in her twenty to look like this.

"I love you baby, I love you till I die." His mother's voice echoed in his mind. Wait, did he die?

The thought stirs inside Alec and he could feel him fighting for the resistance. No, he can't die, not just yet. He has been fighting for so long and death is imminent to him. Only he had fought this hard and he can't give up, not now and not ever.

He falls again, fall deep into his darkness that he gave in.

Alec could hear swallows chirping above him and he could feel the warmth of the sun in the sky above him searing his skin but not in a painful way. He felt the sand beneath his skin and he was lay back on top of someone.

"I miss this." The person said and kissed his temple. He looked up to see Magnus smiling down at him and he smiled back. "Me too." He said and let his head turn to the side to get a better view of him.

"I love you." Magnus voice echoed before he leaned and kissed Alec on his lips. The kiss were so soft and longing and Alec felt his hand wanders to Magnus's hair and he gripped them in between his fingers.

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