Part 6

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Sorry again for another boring chapter.

Magnus decided to go home after the incident at the groceries store, his feelings are mixed with anger, and sadness altogether making him unable to clear his mind. He knew his father would already be at work by now so he decided to come home and rest for the day till his father get back and tell him what happened today.

As soon as he arrives, he stepped into his home greeted by his maids and headed straight for bed. But before he did, he went to the kitchen to place the ice cream tub before it's melting, he didn't even get a chance to eat them yet.

When he entered the kitchen he was startled by none other than his own father stood in the middle of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. He turned around and was faced by Magnus pale face. "I'll call you back later." He told whoever it is on the other line and turn his phone off.

"What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" He barked, slightly raised his voice at Magnus. He couldn't figured out how to explain everything that happened today to his father, he didn't even get a chance to think about it either. He froze in his spot unable to come up with any words instead holding the frozen can in his hand tightly.

"Magnus? Answered me!" His father asked again looking at him confused clearly on his face. "I uhh, I didn't feel like it." He said shortly and headed towards the freezer, he opened the top lid and placed his ice cream tub there. "Lily used to eat those." He heard his father whispered. He closed the lid before he turned to face his father.

"What happened today?" He asked looking at Magnus' face, "I scratched the car." He started and Asmodeus face changed from concern to slight anger but he contained them till Magnus explained it.

"I was upset, I didn't feel like going to school, went to supermarket, get an ice cream, somebody hit my car since I'm at the wrong lane. She didn't want to charge anything unless I told you the truth." Magnus exhaled his long breath by the end and sat on the stool by the island. His father eyed him curiously unable to process what he just told him.

"I don't expect you to tell me exactly what happened but I guess it's okay as long as no one is hurt." Asmodeus claimed walking closer to Magnus on the island and sat on the stool next to him. "What happened?" He nudge his shoulder a bit and Magnus smiled looking straight at his fingers on the island.

"I miss her." Magnus said softly and Asmodeus sighed next to him, "Me too bud. But what's up lately about you, you didn't think about her twice this much. Is it because of my pending marriage?" Asmodeus asked and Magnus didn't know how to answer him exactly. He didn't know why he was thinking about his mother a lot lately, probably because of that tall guy's mother? Or because of Anna?

He shrugged his shoulder picking on his nails, silenced were tightening in between them, "Is it because of the boy who bullied you?" He asked and it hits Magnus, was it he was being bullied? He's the usual person who always bullied someone, was it that what is feels like being bullied. He shook his head no at first but then he nodded but ended with a shake.

"I saw him again today at the supermarket." He said and his father lean forward waiting to hear the rest of the stories. "Please tell me you'd kick his ass." Magnus chuckled at the thought. How much he wanted to do so but again when he stared back at the boy relationship with his mother, he couldn't deny a hint of jealousy in his heart.

"No, he's with his mum." He said and Asmodeus laughs. "Really? Were you afraid to kick his ass in front of his mum?" Asmodeus laughs again but Magnus didn't joined him, he shook his head without a smile even though his father is laughing.

"His mother is the one hit my car." Magnus said and Asmodeus laughs stopped immediately. "Well did you take her contact number? I will sent bills to her house after we get it fixed." Magnus turned his head to his side to meet his father's eyes. "No, it's fine, only a scratch. She's a nice person, I don't want to-" Magnus was cut off by his father.

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