Part 37

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Alec remembers running, but also he didn't felt like he's tired. He didn't feel like stopping either. At first his visions are all black like all the lights being turned off and left him in nothing but darkness. Slowly dim lights appeared by the end of his visions and he could hear voices.

He tried to focus on the voice and his visions became clearer and clearer. He was running, he was running with someone. The person stood right in front of him. He could hear laughters, calling out his names.

Slowly he could see the person was actually Magnus. He was happy. He was smiling ear to ear with him, laughing with his head tilted back and the wrinkled forms at the edge of his eyes making Alec smiled too. The way he scrunched his nose to laugh and it made Alec feels like home.

Surround them was nothing but white sands and a crashing waves, just like they are back on the island. The breeze that brings out the familiar scent making him miss their time there. The wind blows on Magnus' face making his hair flying out of the places which Alec didn't mind.

Magnus was his happy place, his serendipity, his peace. He remembers the first time they met, albeit it wasn't the happiest time but it's enough. Their quarrels, their fights, their argument is what it mades them.

He looked at Magnus' face one last time, staring deep into his brown eyes that fills with nothing but happiness. He then stares at his lips, his lustful lips trying to remember the last time they had share a kiss and slowly it crept a smile on Magnus's face.

"I love you Alexander." He whispered. "It's okay to let go." He mouthed and Alec couldn't understand the words exactly. What did he mean by that, is Magnus giving up on him too.

Alec felt heavy weight crushed on him and he tried to get it off from him. He mutters words but Magnus seems couldn't understand the word and keep smiling at him. He kept begging not to let him go but slowly he was taken further apart away from him.

He saw Magnus kept getting further and further away from him and he kept screaming but no sounds came out. He kept calling him and trying to catch up on him but the further he ran, the farther Magnus go.



"Magnus, don't go, don't let me go!"

Alec kept calling Magnus' name in his sleeps which brings Magnus attention from his own. He was laying down beside him with his arm wrapped around his waist. He felt worn out after his argument with his father earlier so he went back to Alec and rested his eyes for a few minutes.

Alec started to trash around in his sleep and he felt him jerked few times before calling out his names. He raised himself with his one elbow and cupped Alec's cheek with his warmth palm. "Alexander, wake up." He whispered hoping his whole family couldn't hear it.

He was lucky they gave him all the privacy he needed with Alec and couldn't witness any of these. "Magnus." Alec calls him again and he sat up bringing his arm around Alec's neck cradling him in his embrace. "I'm here, I'm right here."

"Magnus." He calls again before he shot his eyes up and stares into Magnus. His hazel eyes was nothing but darkness and Magnus could feel how afraid he was. His whole body shakes and his tears begged to fall.

"I'm right here darling." Magnus words almost sounds like a choke but he held it in strongly. "Don't let me go." He whispered before he went back to sleep.

The last words hits Magnus deep into his heart. He wasn't letting anyone go, everyone just kept leaving him in his life. First his mother, now the only person he cares the most in his life.

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