Part 10

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Sorry this took so long. I'm trying to post it regularly but I'm caught up with something. 

It was awful, the night was long, terribly long. Maryse sat on the bench for almost two hours now looking at the wall in front of her. People passing by her minding their own business, while she sat there thinking of the event happened earlier. Her hand still shaking and her heart still raising after what happened earlier. 


"Alec! You can't do this to me! Wake up! WAKE UP!" She kept pressing her palm over Alec's chest pumping his heart back to live. She had done it few times now that she felt stronger in doing it but the truth is she's not ready to let it go just yet, she's not ready to lose her son like this.

Luckily she had her phone with her after talking to her husband and she dialed 9-1-1 immediately and spoke with them over the speaker while pumping her son back to life.

It felt like hours and she didn't stop pumping not until the paramedics came and took her position. They started placing the monitors on Alec and pads over his right chest and left upper abdomen. The guy switch every few minutes and took over each other's duty. They started to give him oxygen through the bag and kept pumping his heart, once a while, they stopped and gave Alec the shock making his body jerks.

Maryse felt a waves of relief crushing her when she saw them stopped pumping him and his heart beat continues on the screen. It was shallow but it's good enough for them. They quickly moved him to the ambulance and speed to the hospital as fast as they could.

She wasn't allowed to see Alec after they brought him to the emergency area and asked her to stay in the visiting lounge which she hated the most. She waited and waited for hours for someone to tell her how's Alec's doing.

>>>End of flashbacks.

"Mum." She heard someone called her by her side and she sworn she heard Alec's voice but when she turned her head, it was Jace. She wasn't able to talk since she got to the hospital and it scared her family to death.

She looked down and saw Jace held a cup of water and handed to her hand. She shook her head and kept her gaze back to the door waiting patiently for someone to come out from it. Robert by her side stroking her arms up and down while Izzy had Max on her lap hugging him.

"Mum please drink something, you need it." Jace assured her but she kept ignoring him and looking straight at the door. Tears soaked her cheek and it kept flowing as she thought of Alec. "Sweetheart drink some." Robert took the cup to her lips and when she looked at his face it fills with worries, she hated seeing her husband like this, knowing he is also worried about Alec, she can't put more stress in him.

She sips the cup slowly and gulped in pain, she had been crying, screaming and shouting for the last few hours to his unconscious son, she felt the water goes into her throat and coldness hits her chest. She finished the cup within seconds before Robert gave it back to Jace.

They continued waiting for about an hour more when suddenly a familiar face came through the door, it was Valentine.

They all immediately stood and ran up to him hoping to hear him deliver a good news. He raised his hands up trying to ease them for bombarding hundreds of question and asked them to take a seat first. He grabbed a loose chair by the corner and sat in front of Maryse and Robert.

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