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Eadie and Pavel talk for a long long time in medbay. They're with a councillor who unpacks a whole lot of emotions and Eadie finds herself tearing up as she listens to Pavel talk about how he feels about their journey together. They take a break to get something to eat before continuing and Pavel is quiet. He has talked a lot more than he imagined he would. Eadie has a pen and paper in her hand and starts scribbling down a few thoughts.

The session last forever. They go back to their room with a lot on their minds and Pavel takes a seat in the kitchen and sighs. He wants to eat something but he doesn't know what he feels like and he stares blankly at the replicator. Eadie gets herself a plate of nachos and takes a seat beside him, putting the nachos in the middle of them.

"Want some?"

"Thank you," he says, putting a tortilla chip in his mouth.

"I feel a lot better than I did this morning," Eadie says, looking over to him.

"I have a lot to think about, but I think that maybe I do too."

She kisses his cheek and keeps eating. He eats a little more and stops, a little spaced out. She goes to ask what's on his mind but he turns to her, asking about a little notebook she was writing in during their session earlier.

"You were writing something. What was it you were writing? I saw your little notebook. I'm just curious... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"It was a poem. Just a few words I had stuck in my mind."

"What was it about?"

"About you, Pavel."

He pauses and she pulls the notepad from her pocket. She flips through a few pages and puts it on the table. He looks at her before moving it closer to him so he can read it. She doesn't seem bothered by his interest in it.

Your broken bones I'll mend with gold and that heart that's split in two?

I'll sew it up with song and twine, my boy please don't be blue.

He holds the little notebook in his hands and Eadie knows he's finished reading it. He bites his bottom lip and she waits for him to say something. She doesn't know what to expect back. He puts the notebook down.

"It's beautiful. It's really beautiful."

She gives him a soft smile. "I'm glad you think so."

Eadie wakes up alone and groans, looking around the room for Pavel. He's left a note on her PADD in Romanian and it says he's in engineering. She gets up and has a shower, humming to herself and wondering if Spooks is around for a few hours before she's supposed to be in medbay. He's not busy and they head into a rec room together, setting up a game of 3D chess. Spooks only just knows how to play and Eadie isn't much better either, looking at the board and moving a piece with incredible uncertainty.

Spooks asks how she's feeling today and she isn't entirely sure how to answer.

"I'm well, I think. There's a lot on my mind. I didn't really think the transition back to real life would be so turbulent. I thought I'd come back to showers and hot food and everything would be great. It wasn't quite that simple."

"It must have been rough down there. I can't imagine going so long without soap or a toothbrush or clean clothes... I think everyone on the ship admires you for everything you survived. I know I certainly do."

"I just think I'm lucky," she mutters. "I wouldn't have made it without Pavel there with me. I'm glad I had him to keep me sane."

Spooks gives her a soft smiles and moves one of the chess pieces. His bright eyes flicker with concentration and Eadie sits back a little, glad to have company.

"Listen," Spooks says softly, the bright flicker gone and his gaze dropping a little. "I was thinking about the away mission and I... I'm so sorry I couldn't grab you or pull you from the trap you were in. I tried, I know but I just..."

"Spooks," Eadie says, waiting until his eyes meet hers. "It's fine. It couldn't have been any of us. It happened so fast, it's nothing you need to apologise for. Besides, I guess I mightn't have met Pavel if it hadn't have happened so it's not entirely bad."

"You're quite the optimist," he notes, watching her move a chess piece. "But thank you. It's been on my mind for the last few months. It's comforting hearing you got something out of it at least."

She gives him a reassuring smile and they go back to their chess game. Spooks tells her how much he's looking forward to having her back in the lab. She wants to give him some sort of definite answer about when things can go back to the way they were before everything happened.

Pavel's in medbay already when Eadie gets there and he beckons her over. Doctor McCoy is standing to his side and he puts down a few tools. Eadie wonders what is going on and he stands up, turning his head from her.

"Look, my ear."

Eadie runs her fingers over it. She remembers the huge V shaped slit that was there earlier and she's amazed at how much better it's looking. There's a faint scar but it's otherwise completely back to normal. She looks to Doctor McCoy and he has the faintest hint of a smug grin. Pavel keeps touching his ear. McCoy hadn't noticed it for a long time. It was hidden in his mess of curls and not bothering him.

They have separate sessions today and Pavel gives Eadie's hand a squeeze before heading off. She starts asking about going back to work and getting put back on shifts again. She just wants to regain a bit of normality and the therapist seems to understand that. She gives Eadie one shift every two days and tells her not to overdo it. She's thinking about getting to tell Spooks and she's excited at the thought.

Pavel seems a little drained when he comes out. He asks that they go back to their room and McCoy stops them.

"Doctor Vessa has asked that we don't put off everything much longer. It would be worth getting that done now, if possible. It's not an invasive procedure. You can go back to your room when it's done."

Eadie looks to Pavel and he just nods, trying to hide how nervous he really is. McCoy gets Eadie to sit up on a biobed and he checks over her vitals. Pavel tries not to bounce his leg up and down and let his mind slip away for a little while. Pavel is sent into another room in medbay so he can provide his sample. He wonders if the doctor notices how much his cheeks are glowing. His newly fixed ear feels like it's burning in embarrassment. He has to take a minute to calm himself down. He slows his breathing and thinks of Eadie. He knows it'll be worth it in the long run.

Pavel comes back to find Eadie a little on edge. He kisses her hands and McCoy is scanning her. She signs to him that she's nervous and he takes her hand, squeezing it. McCoy asks if she's feeling alright and she nods. 

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