Chapter 7

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"A girl who what, Zayn?"

His hazel orbs bulging out and his face turning white abruptly. He looks so nervous and at the same times....... upset? There is something wrong with Zayn, I thought to myself.

"Zayn?" I looked at him curiously, desperately wanting to know about this mysterious girl.

"J-Just n-nothing." he said, stuttering. His accent become thick, I can obviously tell that his voice is a bit shaking. He bit his lips, looking everywhere except me.

"Zayn, what's wrong?" I pleaded.

"I said nothing." He tighten his fists, his tone shows anger in his voice.

"But, you tu-"

"It's nothing! This is the third times I said nothing! Will you just fucking drop it?!" he yelled, shooting death glare towards me. I startled at his sudden anger. Nice way to go, Flora! I licked my lips shakily, collecting all my guts to force myself look into his dark eyes.

Before I could utter a word, he stand up angrily and quickly climbing upstairs, to his room. I watched his every steps from behind, until he slammed his room door roughly. I jumped, that loud bangs literally can make my heart drop at any moment.

He just admitted that he's an asshole and not a good husband to me, for God's sake! And he also felt sorry for everything he have done to me! And now, I lose it and it's all my faults. I clearly missed the chance to start all over again whatever it is we called our relationships now. I didn't mean to push him, I just wanted to know what the problem is. He don't even finish his sentences, and thats why it's make me feel curious.

Zayn probably will ignore me again and don't want to speak to me anymore. I groan, tugging my hair in my hand tightly. Should I go to his room and apologize? Should I just sit here, stare at the walls and waiting him to talk to me first? Or should I just not feeling guilty and acting like there's nothing happens? There's a lot inner voices in my head. I think I'm going to explode in a seconds.

After a couple of minutes staring at the wall, thinking a way how to confront Zayn, I finally made a decision. I close my eyes, place my hands on my chest, "Mom, please forgive all my mistakes. I putting myself in danger because I have to confront a fierce beast. All the best to me." I mumbled under my breath.

I opened my eyes slowly as I stood up with full of confidence in myself and took a long deep breath. I walked steadily, climbing the stairs and headed to his room. My heart beating so fast, my pulse is racing and my hands are surely sweating.

I licked my lips, knocking on his door, "Zayn," I called. There's no answer. I knocked again, a little bit harder. All I got is silence, still no answer from Zayn. I hissed, starting to feel annoy with him. I leaned forward, put my ear on the door. There's no even a sound of movement, it just silence like an empty room.

I frowned, still leaning my ear on the door. How can he be so quiet?! After a few seconds, I heard a shuffling feets. Before I could back away, the door suddenly opens. I shrieked as I stumbling infront with a strong force. I shut my eyes tightly, getting ready to face the hard floor. But I was saved by a strong arms, who grips around my body tightly.

"What the hell, Flora?!"

My eyes widened at his loud irritating voice. I tried to balance my body before I quickly push him away. I bit my lips, looking down at my small feet. I could see Zayn staring coldly at me from the corner of my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"If you want answers from your previous question, you better get your ass out from my room because I'll never give a single fuck about it!"

I winced at his harsh words. Calm the fuck down, I come here to apologize dude. Whenever I talked to Zayn, I seems really can't control my anger. He actually brings out the inner me, where the ugly side of me that have been trapped.

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