Chapter 20

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It's been three days since Zayn had nightmare - after the day we fought and the same day he yelled at Lenox to get out from the house. On that day, I'm cuddling him and gave him kisses as much as he wanted - not like sucking each other faces or snogging, just a little peck on his soft skin.

At first night, I was awake at 2:30am. I watched Zayn fondly - he was snoring quietly and sleeping like a baby. His arms still on my waist, not really tight like before. I just watched him and played with his hair, giggling before I went downstairs.

I headed towards the living room, lazily bend down and grabbed my bag. I sat on the couch, rubbing my sleepy eyes and unzipped, took out my phone. I decided to texted my mom, to tell her what happened - eventhough she don't really quite like Zayn after what he did, she still seems worried when I said Zayn was sick.

hey mom! zayn got high fever, runny nose and bad cough but i guess he's feeling a bit better after i gave him pills. im sorry for ruining our moment, mom. i promise i will make it up to u, love u mommy!!

night! xxx

I tossed my phone to the side, leaned my head back on the couch and placed my arm on top of my head. I sighed, felt so tired.

Then, I heard a soft whimper from upstairs. Zayn probably noticed me I'm gone. He probably wanting me to cuddle him and give him more kisses. I quickly speed my steps to his room when I heard he shouted, "Please don't leave me! No, no, no, you can't!"

I saw him thrashing around, the pillows and the duvet are now on the floor. His eyes was shut closed - like had been glued. He was chanting no no no with his hands on the air, waving as a no sign. His precious tears rolled down on his both cheeks, whimpering heavily. I quickly jumped on the bed, holding him tightly, ran my hands on his back, up and down.

"Zayn, wake up! Please wake up," I said loudly. He is still struggling in his nightmare, sweats all over his forehead.

"Please don't hate me! Don't leave me!" he shouted again. I don't know why I did that but I slapped his face hard, a red mark of my hands available on his cheeks. I felt so bad but I need to wake him up before things got worse.

"Zayn, baby, wake up.. Please, I'm here now, I'm here with you.." I cried, rocking him back and forth, wanting him to wake up from his terrible nightmare.

His eyes shoot opened, straight into my tearing eyes. He, then wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, burying his wet face on my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, knowing that he loved when I touched his hair.

"It just a nightmare, Zayn.. A nightmare, remember that.. I'm here, shh, okay okay, I will always be with you.. Now go back to sleep, my love," I soothed him, placed my lips on his hair for seconds, before laying him down.

Zayn was so vulnerable, innocent, scared and weak.

The second night was not really terrible as the first night. I woken up by him whimpering next to me and again, chanting no no no. His face was very pale and it's really scared me. I just hold him tight and doing everything to woke him up. He was crying out loud when he opened his eyes, clutching tightly on me.

"Zayn, it's just a nightmare, okay? I'm here alright," I reminded him again, whispered into his hair and cuddling him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No, sleep please.." he tighten his grip on my waist, his voice became rougher and weaker. I just nodded lowly and go back to sleep.

And the third day was horrible, really really horrible. I was making dinner at the kitchen while Zayn sleeping upstairs. I cooked in rush because I know Zayn will get the same nightmare again. It hurts me a lot, I wish I could take the pain away from him. I was crying myself to sleep after he had a nightmare, I just don't know. I wanted to know what his nightmare about, so I could help him.

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