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⤚ A Storm Brewing ⤙


BOTTOM of the barrel was what they considered Aki on the missing persons list. He was some unknown Japanese kid. There were surprisingly a few missing people at the time Akiya went missing being a curse. He went missing when rich kids decided to run away.

But Akiya was missing unlike the rest of those assholes. Kidnapped. I never thought I would have so much control issues until Aki went missing. My wolf hadn't given a shit less for the kitsunes in the town. But it took extreme offense to another supernatural on it's lands.

And having taken Aki. But the supernatural was smart and used a car leaving the trail scent bland and ending suddenly. And there were so many car scents it was crazy. Finding him would be hard since his phone was found smashed on the route they had taken when we went looking.

And it irritated me to no ends. I was one of the top supernatural predators out there and I couldn't find Aki. Something had stolen him from right up underneath my nose, my wolf typically wouldn't of given a shit but it was a hit to it's ego to have been played.

I sat there silent and brooding in class. No one seemed to have given a single fuck that Aki was missing except the teachers since their star student was gone. But he wasn't special enough for them to care as the nerds quickly took over being the star student.

Aki was a mean person, I wouldn't lie about that. The nerds hated that they were tossed down the intelligence totem pole when he was here. It's why most nerds did their best not to be in the same class with him as they never shined quite as bright as Aki tended to.

But now he was gone and it was infuriating how little people gave a crap. Only a few people gave a flying fuck and it wasn't a good concern. It was a concern that had me back pedaling to a time period I had gotten rid of when I used my fists more than anything.

And once more it was coming back. I had put that all behind me causing my wolf to be such a vengeful dick. The wolf was sadistic and vengeful even in a moment such as this. But somehow we worked in slight harmony trying to track Aki down.

The only person who cares is Tracey. And he didn't care in a polite type of way. Ara was lost without her twin. To believe Aki was actually gone. He wasn't here right now. And Tracey was going to push me until he got the old me back and he wouldn't like it.

The old me was a vicious vengeful bitch who use to coexist with the wolf within. We may have never completely bonded but we had gone quite far before finally the twins had appeared and I had bettered myself from the dark slump I had entered.

That was a place I didn't want to return to but a place Tracey was about to drag me to. Once more school had ended and I had taken to walking home. Araya walked home as well with me since Akiya was no longer here to drive us nor defend her on the bus.

And our buses didn't link up. And Daiki always went to walk her home so I dared Tracey to fuck with Daiki. Daiki I didn't like him all that much but I wouldn't deny how strong that he was. Or that he was not one to be fucked with for sure. That I could tell.

But as I closed the locker Tracey appeared. "Lover boy still missing?" Tracey asked his voice a taunt as I looked at him. Anger coursed through me. "Does it fucking matter Tracey, leave me the fuck alone." I responded. Tracey snickered as he looked at his friends.

"What's the matter lover boy gone making you feel sad, I mean I'm way more of a man than he was." The was happened to piss me off. "For your information Tracey, I'm not dating him. We're simply friends and he is more of a man than you'll ever be." I responded.

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