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Storm Crashing


FEAR encased my body as we hit the steps to see mom in the car. But Raiden's voice behind me didn't assure me. With Issei having told me so much about what would happen I was already anxious. The thought of what was to come now.

But escaping Raiden didn't seem to be easy. He would follow us everywhere, and the worst part was that he had Akiya. He had my brother. Akiya was behind him. "Looks like releasing the inmates didn't work that well." Storm spoke her golden eyes on them as I was silent.

I didn't know what to say. When we thought we might actually escape out into the world this happened. But I wouldn't deny that small piece of shimmering hope in me. Mom was in the car and Raiden. . . my dad was right in front of me as well.

I had no idea what happened between those two. But they have to had some sort of history or romance with each other at one point. Akiya and I didn't come from nowhere. I bit my lip as my eyes settled on Raiden as he descended the stairs. Issei took his katana out.

"I don't have time for a young nogitsune, you could be doing much better things then trying to take me on Issei. I don't hate you, but if you get in my way I will fucking cut you down." Raiden threatened and Issei hesitated in that moment.

But I didn't blame him. Raiden was terrifying. All Issei could wordlessly do was step aside as Raiden passed him without hesitation his eyes set on his target: me. Fear crept up my in me rendering me immobile in front of Raiden. Storm growled at him and Raide scuffed ag her.

"Your not threatening, I've seen worse." Raiden responded. This was a new side of him, he had been tough and brave before. But now I was seeing a ruthless side of him, a side of him that didn't give a single fuck about what stood in his way of what he wanted.

As Raiden arrived in front of me I heard the door unlock and then open. The loud slam of the door echoed throughout the silent parking lot making me flinch. Raiden's cold eyes burned into mine from above, he was way taller than me and it was intimidating.

"Get away from my daughter."

Mother's voice was tense as she unsheathed her katana, it glimmered under the light of the moon with the silver streak sticking out, but not as much as the obsidian streak in Raiden's as a mischievous smirk lit his face as he turned towards momand I tensed visibly.

"The correct term Ena baby would be our daughter. Takes two to tango love." His voice was cruel yet playful as he watched mom. "Get the fuck away from her." Mom spoke once more as Akiya watched his face devoid of emotion as he descended down the steps. "I don't think I will."

Storm whirled on him just as lightning cracked in the distance and both Akiya's head as well as Nightshade turned over. Issei hid his worry and fear behind a cool and neatly woven mask of a blank expression. But he made sure to keep Nightshade behind her, she was still half human.

Unlike the rest of us as well as Storm all it would take would be for a katana to sink through her and impale her and she would be dead. Akiya's eyes settled on me and furrowed. So much had brought us to where we stood today. I looked at the asylum.

I jumped as blood sprayed across the window reminding me that there was humans, nogitsunes, and the released inmates inside there. I visibly froze up gulping nervously as Akiya looked back at me ignoring the fresh blood stained on the window above us as he watched me.

I wanted my Akiya back; my twin, not his spirit. Storm may have backed down from Raiden, but Akiya wasn't that old and she took a step in his path. "Akiya enough." Raiden spoke and mom looked over at Akiya as he halted on Raiden's cue. Irritation spread through mom's face at that.

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