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⤚ Fake it til' you make it ⤙


AKIYA was with one of Daiki's mother's friends. The information was startling especially with the reveal that Daiki's mother would not help us. "We're not exactly on good terms." Those words echoed in my head throughout the school day. Akiya was with a kitsune.

But why would they take him. Sure we were twins, but did it really mean that much? I mean this kitsune was old and powerful how would someone as young as Akiya be a threat to him? I bit my lip. At the end of the day Storm came up to me.

"Hey what's up?" Storm asked and I looked up at her. I sighed. She deserved to know. "We find out who took Akiya." The words were foreign and bitter leaving my lips. Storm froze up. "Who?" Storm demanded. "And where do we get him back from?" Many questions poured forth.

"It is a kitsune who took him, one of Daiki's mothers friends. And we can't ask his mom, they aren't on good terms, but it is a kitsune who has him." I spoke. "Meaning they can kill him?" Storm asked and I nodded at that biting my lip.

"But they won't, Daiki said there hasn't been many male kitsunes born in the last century, they kill him and there will only be eleven left, so they won't kill him, but he is a twin and apparently twins are feared." My voice broke as Storm watched me silent as ever.

"Araya, are you afraid they're gonna come for you next?" Storm asked. "I don't know Storm, I'm just afraid in general of what could happen." Storm admitted and I nodded at that as I bit my lip unsure of what to say. I was afraid of so many things as of right now.

Afraid for Akiya's well being, afraid that they would come for me next. My brain already mapped out the periods they could come from me. And it was on the walk home. I went without protection for about twenty minutes before I met up with Daiki who waited for me.

It was a good that the house wasn't too far away from Willows High. I looked back at Storm. "Do you want me to walk you back?" Storm asked. I looked at her and nodded. "I would like that." I told her and Storm nodded.

"Let's go then." Storm said and I followed behind her. We left the school building behind as I looked up at Storm thankful for a friend such as her. She was a great friend and I would never take her for advantage, I needed her in a time such as this.

Storm had to be at leas 5'5, but weighed more than recommended. Although I could see some of it was muscle, I remembered when I first met her. She was skinny and mean. Something clicked. She was skinny and mean when she was in link with her wolf.

And she was overweight when she fought her wolf. Because she didn't use her wolf's abilities to the fullest extent. But I could see the muscle slowly beginning to line up in her recently. I looked at her and smiled. "Thank you." And we walked forth after that.


"So a male kitsune has Akiya, and Issei saw him through his gift which I know we can rely on, it's how he found Daiki in the first place meaning things such as this is able to be trusted." Storm said as we sat outside the house. I sent a text to Issei telling him to tell Daiki this.

Daiki didn't have a phone. . . as well as trying to learn how to use it with Issei's. "Yeah, we have to find out where this kitsune is. Daiki said he wouldn't have hurt them, but I'm still nervous. I don't think I'll ever not be, he's my brother and he's missing." I told her.

"I get it." Storm said and I nodded at that. "We'll find him right?" I asked Storm. "Yes, we're gonna find him, we're gonna look high and low for him, that kitsune most likely took him for a reason." Storm spoke.

Twin Kitsunes: Darkness FallsWhere stories live. Discover now