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Pace University, New York, New York
Friday August 27th 1994
2:31 pm

Stanley and Eddie arrive at Pace University, the two had driven seven hours. At the end of the school year, during a hang out with Ben and Bill and his home-his mother finally accepting that Eddie can have his friends over- he revived a letter saying Pace University had accepted him. Stanley was the only one who offered to go with him, which was understandable. Ben was planning to leave for his semester next week, Mike was busy trying to sell his farm-his grandfather had passed away two years ago, making the farm fall into his hands-, Bill left for a vacation last week with his parents and brother, and Beverly was gone as soon as school ended.

The thought that his friends could be gone really frightened him. His mother told him when he was younger that friends were pointless and once he leaves high school, they'd all be gone, living their own lives. When his friends and him were younger, they made the plans to go to college together, get their first apartment together, have their kids be friends with each other, and be friends forever! But, every youngling does that. It's just sad to realize that could never happen.

But, he was at least happy to have Stanley go with him. Stanley was taking one year off from school. He won a scholarship at the beginning of high school accidentally, so he choose to use it in the following year.

Eddie only had three boxes of stuff and two duffel bags. The boxes held the contains of photos, school supplies, fragile things, and small piece of decorations. The duffel bags held his clothes. Eddie hadn't met his roommate yet, but he'd hope he would be a great roommate.

Stanley grabbed two boxes, Eddie grabbed one and both duffel bags as they left Stanley's car and began to enter the building.

"So," Stanley started. "You excited?"


"That's not an exciting reply."

"I'm very excited, Stan. I'm just... nervous. This place is huge, and I'll be here alone. You guys won't be here, and neither would my mom."

"You're mom not being here is a good thing." Stanley chuckled, pushing a button for the elevator. "And, I'll be in the motel in town for a week. You won't be all alone."

"Yes, I will be. Trust me, having you in the town will be nice, but you don't go to school here. It's like middle school all over again."

"No it's not! We were friends in middle school!" Stanley gasped at the fact Eddie forgot about that.

Eddie let a little laugh out. "I know that, dipshit. But I had no one at the beginning. Remember how Georgie was missing during the beginning of the year, so Bill was gone for three months till I met you and Ben?"

"Whatever, the point is, soon you'll find our replacements, and you'll forget about us."

"Don't joke about that, Stan!" Eddie said, placing the box down in the elevator and punching Stanley in the arm.

"Haha, sorry! You could never replace me, Eddie. I'm like, the bestest friend you have."

"Yeah, right."

"Hey, whos here right now with you?!"

"Not the Queen."


Stanley and Eddie has searched awhile to find his room, Eddie was surely regretting skipping the tour. But, soon enough, he was standing outside of his new pad.

"Jeez, Eddie. Open the door, my arms are gonna fall off." Stanley complained.

"Princess." Eddie replied, slipping the key in the lock but discovering it was already open. "Huh."

"You're roomie must be here." The two entered the dorm, and placed the bags and boxes on a bed-the one that had no covers yet-.

"Oh, hey, you must be Eddie." A girls voice spoke, Eddie and Stanley turned around to see a girl with shoulder length black hair.

"Yeah." Eddie smiled.

"You're his roommate? I thought boys couldn't room with girls." Stanley questioned

"Oh, no no, I'm not his roommate. I'm Tasha." She shook both boys hands. "I'm Skylar's girlfriend. He just ran out to get us something to snack on."

Pace University, New York, New York
Friday August 27th 1992
2:31 pm

"Here it is."

"Ugh, finally." Max sighed, stepping out of the car and around to the trunk.

"Jeez, this is so far, Lucas. How are we gonna visit you?" Jane smiled, patting him on the shoulder as her and Mike went to help Max, soon followed by Lucas.

"What floor are you on?" Mike asked.

"Fifth." Lucas replied.

"You packed your whole room? You'll be here for three weeks." Max shook her head.

"Yeah, but I'll come back after that."

"Wow, really?" She sarcastically asked, rolling her eyes with a smile.

The group each took boxes, bags, and objects.

"Hey, group! Want a cart?" A boy enthusiastically asked, pushing a cart over to them.

"Thank you." Jane smiled, and put her pile into the cart, along with Max, Lucas, and Mike. The three then began their way into the building in search of Lucas's new room.

It was an easy search, thanks to Mike paying attention. They entered the room, seeing a very short haired girl on the bed, blowing gum when they entered.

"Hello." Mike spoke, unloading boxes from the cart.


"Are you Lucas's roommate?"

"Lucas? I was told I was rooming with a... a.. a Tina." She rolled her eyes. "I'm Ivy."

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