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2530 Maple Street, Hawkins, Indiana
Thursday June 27th 1992
11:13 am

Richie walked into his room, his trip to Arizona lasted longer than it was supposed to, but he was happy to have gone. He missed Nancy and he missed talking with her and telling her everything wrong in his life.

While he was in Arizona, Nancy took them to this nice mall, they went to have dinner, see a movie, and follow their parents around while they're shopping. When his parents dragged him into the antique store, he was dreading every second, that was until her saw her.

In the corner, looking at a globe, was a girl with long, blonde hair. She wore a dress that was extremely long, and kinda ugly, but he saw her beautiful blue eyes behind golden circle glasses, and BAM love.

He took up enough courage to get her phone number and he wrote it on the back of his hand, then later at the dormitory's, he wrote it on paper.

Now he walked over to his desk, his thing scattered about the room, his closet was wide open just like it had been, he glanced at the number on the wall and the number he was holding. He placed the paper down and left the room, returning with cleaning supplies, he then began to clean off the crayon, destroying the number that belonged to his ex-best friend.

He walked over to the phone, dialling the girls number, it rung a few times, till she answered.

"Hello?" Her voice was soft, sweet, and cheery.

"Hey, this is Rosalina, right?"

"Yes, and this is?"

"Richie, we met at that store..."

"The boy with the huge glasses?"


"Oh, yes! I remember you." She giggled. "What a nice surprise to hear from you. How was your trip?"

"It was good."

"That's good, you're back home now, correct?"

"Yeah, I got here a few minutes ago."

"And you called me as soon as you returned?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Where do you live?"


"Oh, why were you in Arizona?"

"To see me sister." Richie had no clue what to say, and he felt so awkward answering the questions. He never felt this weird when he talked to Eddie on the phone, but why was he acting so small this time? "Uh, how old are you Rosa?"

"Oh, don't call me that, please." She laughed. "I'm eighteen."

Rosalina was a year older than Richie, that made him feel a bit uncomfortable, he'd wish she was younger than him, but that wouldn't stop him from speaking with her.

"And you?" She asked.


2530 Maple Street, Hawkins, Indiana
Friday June 28th
9:23 am

Richie and Mike entered the school building, seeing their friends right as soon as the walked in. Jane turned with glee, happy to see Mike and Richie again.

"Richie!" She yelled. "We missed you." Her and Max approached him as he began to enter his combination.

"How was Arizona?" Max asked.

"It was good, Nancy's good. There was this girl I met though, he names Rosalina, she's pretty cute."

Max only nodded, as Jane was now talking with Mike. Richie turned around to start heading to first period with Max.

"Who's that?" Richie asked, seeing a black hair girl, with tan skin.

"That's Hannah."

"Like, Hannah Leson? Need Hannah?!"

"Yeah, she got contacts." Richie glared at Max, seeing that wasn't the only thing that changed about Hannah Leson.


When school had ended, Richie felt like a total tease. He had gotten five girls numbers just from five classes. He had Hannah's, Shelby Day's, Rena Walter's, Gianna Smith's, and Kaylin Tess'.

Max was straight up irritated with his behaviour and stopped talking to him when lunch had ended and he got Gianna's number.

Jane had no opinion, but ignored him when Max told her too. Richie didn't know why this was so wrong, he just wanted a fresh start, why did his friends act like he was doing a crime?

He went upstairs, into his room, and add the sticky notes with the phones numbers to the wall beside Rosalinas.

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