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So...should i go to her? Well, it's a yes for me. What happened last night was already a past.

But it still happened. She still did that... She's a succubi!

I don't care. I will still treat her as a friend.  So i did sat be side her.

"Morning'" i greeted.

"Same to you princess..." there's sadness on her voice. I think the King or Queen scolded her for what she did to me...

I grab the plate that is placed in front of me and grabbed some of these delicious foods.

"What's wrong Bri'? I ask... God what am i doing???

"Well, it's obvious what happened. And it's so embarrassing to be with you right now ok? Everyone already knew what i did to you last night. Also. Don't call me that. We're not close to each other. " she said not looking at me. Still eating.

"Sorry but you just kissed and touched me last night. But don't worry it happened.  It's done and nobody cares about that. It's just a mistake and i know you didn't mean that"

" Sorry. But you have to leave and don't come near me again."

"Well, there's no more vacant seats here... So i think i can seat here beside you. And you can't say no to a princess." i said wriggling my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and continues eating. I ate my food.

She didn't spoke. I wanted to speak. But what topic? I can't make the 'Last Night Kiss Between Me and A Succubi" be a topic. That would be so awkward.

Suddenly she stood up and i look at her. "I'm done. I'll be leaving. Bye Princess." she attempted to turn around and leave.

"I thought i already said you'll call me Ave." she turned to look at me.

"That was last night. And last night was a mistake. I was drunk. And you are too. I have to leave." and she left. She's sad. And a bit angry. I can tell it by the tone of her voice. Now i feel like it's all my fault.

I finished my food and headed outside of the dining room. Aren't they going to give me a tour? I can be lost here any minute.

I walked all around. Memorizing every corridor's i passed. But i don't think i did memorized it all... Nah nevermind! At least i remembered some of them.

So, as i was walking, i saw a very pain in the ass. Do i really have to see Zaniel here? Well, at least i can ask him about my dream. He wears a red  suit. You can still see how musculared he is. But his muscled arms aren't big as those ones you see on some of the big muscle guys everywhere. Its just enough for him being a slender guy. And he looks so attractive. Fuck Ave what are you thinking again??!

He saw me. I smiled at him and waved a hand. He didn't even smiled back. Why is always like this???

"Hey, Goodmorning" i greeted.

"Morning. How's your first night?" he asked.

"Well, it's nice...a bit. Also, i was thinking if i should really say this to you...." i said, looking away.

"What is it? Is it important or not? Because if it's not then i won't be listening." he said while brushing his hair with his fingers. Sheeks stop that! Do not make me fall!!!

"Hey! Would you just listen? Why do you have to like this eveytime i see you?!" i raised my vlice a little.

"Do you have something to say or what?" The Fuck..

"I have." i cleared my throat. " It's about my dream. I've been dreaming things these days. Like castles, fires, kings... A girl who is raped by her own father.."

His eyes widened when i mentioned the rape thing.

"Who's that girl?" he asked.

"It's....me actually. And it's so terrible. I can feel everything. Every touch and the pain... I was like living in hell... And i don't want to dream that again..." i frowned and looked at the ground.

There was an awkward silence after i spoke.

"We shouldn't talk about this here. Follow me." he said and walked. Passing me by. I followed. This means i can have some answers. But hey what about the escaping thing??

I should plan about it again later.

I wonder where he will take us. We were walking through corridors. There are wooden doors on each side. Minutes later of walking, i can see a door not far from us.

"Where does that door leads us?" i asked.

"To where it will lead us." he answered. He's so annoying!

"Right. Very informative Zaniel..."

He opened the door. Well, so many book shelves, people reading books, so silent. A library.

"Why do we have to talk about it here?" i asked.

"Could you just stop asking questions? You're such a motormouthed person! You're so babbly!" he raised his voice. I think he forgot he's in a library.

"Ssshh!!" everyone hushed him

"Ughh!! Let's just go in and talk about your dream you fool..." he walked inside and i followed.

We go inside between the two bookshelves at the center of the library and sat on the chairs. The table was so long. Zaniel sat on the chair on the other side facing me. He placed his arms on the table. I did too.

"So what was that your drean again?
A girl being raped by her father the king and that girl was you? Nice dream Princess." was he teasing or something?

"Stop calling me that you bullshit. And that nightmare wasn't nice. It's very terrible. I've been dreaming some weird things. Since i felt that you we're watching me everytime, and everyday." i said in a low voice.

"What? Me? Watching you? I won't spend my time just watching you everyday, ok? That's just a waste of time. And besides. The first time i saw you was when i captured you. And thats it. That's not me. "

What? If he's not that person. The is it?

Maybe it was just my imagination i guess..

Impossible. I have goosebumps appearing on my skin whenever i felt that. So i swear someone's watching me.

"If it's not you. Than who is it? Im sure someone's watching me i swear." i said still on a low voice.

"Not sure. Maybe an enemy of us. The royal hignhesses didn't send someone to watch you. So that must be impossible it's one of us." he said brushing his blonde hair with her fingers. Gosh stop that please...

I frowned. Im really freaking out here. But if it's an enemy, im lucky he didn't hurt me.

Zaniel spoke." So we were suppose to talk about your dream. Any more information?"

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