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"Thanks for that wonderful opening Zaniel" Beatrix said arms crossed on her chest.  "That's not an opening Bea. That's called rebuke. " and with that, Zaniel sat down.

"Whatever you say so.  So as what i am saying. Severus will be stealing the Niezilithe from the king, or queen. Severus, you must be careful and silent. You already know how sensitive they are about what's happening around them. "

"Sure madam."

"Fuck,  don't call me that. "

"Sorry. " he looked away. Everybody laughed.

"So for me. I'll make sure nobody notices what were doing. Zaniel, you will be spying on the king and queen. Make sure you can gather all informations we needed. "

"Copy that. "

Gosh he is so cool.

"And Phelan"

"Yeah? "

"You will be training Ave. Make sure she'll become a good fighter. Ave? Please cooperate. Be wise, be quick, and always be ready so that if there's a trouble coming... Of course you will be ready. "

I nodded at her. She gave me a smile. That reminds me of Briar. I can't help myself from thinking about her. I feel so sorry for her.

"Wow looks like i have the simplest job here." Phelan chuckled.

"No. Who you mean is Ave. She just have to do what you are going to say and-"

"Both of you are starting again. Do you want me to end your lives right now? " Zaniel cutted Severus. Both of them shut up their mouths. He looked at Beatrix and asked. "So bea, when will we start? "

Beatrix looked at Zaniel and answered.


My eyes widened. As they all stood up the time when Beatrix said the word "now". So that means my training starts now. I can't believe it. For real? Well,  I was supposed to be training now with Severus anyway. Plus,  who I'm training now with is Phelan. Not bad at all.

They were about to walk out of the room when I spoke.

"For real? Right now? " I asked them.

Zaniel looked at me with those scary blue eyes of him and said. "What do you wanna do? Sit here, do nothing, not knowing your already wasting your time?" feels like my heart sank. Well he's right though.

Phelan put his arm on Zaniels shoulders while Zaniel is still looking at me. I'm kinda sweating. "Dude, chill out. She's just no used to this kind of stuffs."

"Yeah I know. But i want you all to understand that she has to know everything she had to know. If they're  treating you as a princess well me, us. No. In order for you to be ready and to be strong enough to beat the villains, you have train hard. Harder than you thought. Sorry if I'm treating you improperly but please be use to this kind of attitude of mine. Now guys let's go. There's no time to lose. " he turn around and walked.

All of us fell silent. I looked down.

Severus cleared his throat. "That was hot. And awkward. Don't worry Ave.  You'll get used to him. " he tapped my shoulder and walk to leave the room. "We will be back later, Ave." She followed Severus and they really actually left.

"So I'm really going to train right now." I said gritting my teeth. " Yes! And you're lucky you'll be trying with me not with them. Don't worry. I'll train you hard. So hard that you'll be me to stop hitting you again and again. " I gulped with those words that escaped his mouth.

I looked at him. His smiling playfully at me. I gave him a please I'm begging you, be gentle on me look. And he laughed loudly. It startled me.

"Just kidding. Just wanna know what your reaction will be and I can see the nervousness on your face." He laughed again and turned around to walk not far from me. I sighed with relief.

"But do not feel so relieved." I looked at him.

"Yes i'll be gentle. Because you're still a newbie. But the farther we get, the more tough i"ll be." he turned to look at me. His face serious. "Got it? " I nodded at him. I remembered the time when he saved me from princess Gwyneira. His face is so serious that time too.

"So let's start?  First I'll be teaching you some basics. I'll teach you how to dodge, to punch, to kick and.. Uhh... Well! I'll teach you that. " He grinned.

"O... K? " I raised an eyebrow. He quirked a smirk. "You may want to come here closer." I exhaled and go to him.

"Ok! So now. I'll be going to punch you and you will be dodging it. Ok?"

I nodded at him once. "Here I go!"

And without hesitation. His fist really flew to me. My eyes went wide. He's so fast. Luckily he's fist stopped inches away from my face. I was panting. Sweat came out of me.

"I thought I said you will be dodging that" he put down his fist. His face serious. "I'm serious here Ave. So please pay attention. You will be having a black eye right now if I didn't really stopped. But fine I'll forgive you. You're just a beginner anyways. So, again. "

That's tough. I exhaled. He's looking at me straight in the eye. I narrowed my eyes at him.


I dodged the punch Phelan gave me. Yes I did. My eyes went wide again and my eyebrows are all raised. Panting...

I whispered under my breath. "Who the hell? "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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