Chapter 1

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It was a very normal day, people walking down the streets smiling, families having fun at the park, a circus making preparations and near that circus there were two particular people at the market...

"Unnie~ Can I have that snack? Jeballlll" A girl with short black hair with yellow stripes pleaded to a girl with brown hair using an aegyo voice

"Tsk! Are you going to spend all your money on snacks!" The brunette asked, trying not to give in

"I'll share with you unnie!" the girl blackmailed the elder who thought deeply before sighing, probably going to regret this after.


"Kamsamida! Kamsamida! Kamsamida! Saranghae Jisoo unnie!" The short haired girl ran off towards the seller and bought her snack to satisfy her sweet tooth.

"Aish, that kid" Jisoo shook her head before turning around to the seller infront of her, "Sorry. How much?" She asked pointing towards a black dress

After the two girls bought what they wanted, they went to a restaurant to meet up with their friends

"Lis! Unnie!" Called a girl with blonde hair who was walking beside a girl with black hair and pink stripes infront.

"Rosie! Jen!" Lisa said giving them a giant hug which they returned. The girls then turned towards Jisoo who gave the both of them a smile when Jennie's eyes caught the beige bags the two were holding onto.

"What did you two buy?" Jennie asked taking a seat at a table located outside the restaurant. Jisoo followed sitting beside her with Rosé and Lisa facing them.

"Oh! I bought snacks, two pairs of ripped jeans, three tops, some shorts and two bracelets" Jennie nodded as if she was satisfied at what she just heard

"Show me later so that we can have that fashion show we always do" Jennie laughed, winking at Lisa.

Lisa blew her a kiss when she noticed Rosé smirking.

"What is it Park Chaeyoung?" Lisa asked with furrowed brows, "well... who are you going to give the second bracelet too?" Rosé asked

"To Ggukie" Rosé, Jennie and Jisoo's faces dropped, a sad expression taking over "he won't come back.. it's been over 5 years Lili" Jisoo told Lisa while caressing her hand comfortingly

"I know unnie...I just- I'm keeping the bracelet as a memory" Lisa smiled playing around with her fingers uncomfortably

Jennie seemed to have noticed Lisa's shift in mood when she said, "are we not going to go to the circus or what!?"

"Yes! Yes we are!" Jisoo told Jennie and the four stood up, finishing up with their lunch

The four made their way to the circus, arms hooked together

"Tickets please" a man asked, Jisoo took four tickets out of her bag and showed the man

The man ripped a piece of the ticket off and handed them back to the girls, they went inside and sat down at the back but not too far so that they wouldn't get a good view of the show.

After a few minutes, the circus was filled with people and it started

Clowns were juggling on a uni-cycle, animals doing tricks and after a couple more performances, the host appeared with a microphone

"Today ladies and gentlemen! For the final act! We presenttttttt" an intense music started to play, "the bulletproof boys!" The host exclaimed and four boys came on stage

Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa were all shocked to see who those said boys were,


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