Chapter 28(final chapter)

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"Get this box! You! You! And you! Go there and get me this dress! You! Drive her to her boyfriend! And you! Make him wear this"

A girl with red hair ordered around, standing on a box in the bride's dressing room

A woman made a boy with black hair wear a mask, another person brought the boy a tuxedo

A man came and gave the girl a beautiful, white dress, the girl sat down on a chair while a hair stylists did her hair

She looked at herself in the mirror, putting her hand on her mouth, only her brown eyes could be seen as she looked at the diamond ring on her finger

Then the door open, causing her brown eyes to move to look at the door, "the bride is being called by Mrs Jeon" a woman said

"Thank you Mrs Kim, i'm going to be there in a few" the girl told Mrs Kim who bowed and left the room

"Let the game begin...." she whispered to herself as everyone in the room looked infront of them with this scary aura coming off them

The wedding hall, at 10 am

The priest, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jungkook's bestman, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok entered first and went up the aisle

Jungkook's grandparents, parents and the Mother of Jamie followed behind while the six entered

Jamie's friends, Ashley and Minnie, who were the bridesmaid, Jisoo and Jennie, who were also bridesmaids, then Alexis, the maid of Honor and the flower girl entered

After they entered, the orchestra started to play the song, 'here comes the bride', the door opened with Jamie's father by Jamie's side entered

Jamie's face seemed weird but no one thought anything about it since there was a veil covering her head

Jamie's father handed her to Jungkook before standing by the side, Jamie and Jungkook walked up the stairs and infront of the priest

Jungkook held Jamie's hand and they both looked at the priest signalling for him to start the ceremony

(Okay! I don't know much about weddings! Please bare with me)

"Do you, Park Jimin, take Park Chaeyoung as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked

Everyone in the room looked at each other and everyone murmured under their breathes, the parents looked at each other confused

"I do"Jungkook said, Jamie smiled, "do you, Park Chaeyoung, take Park Jimin as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asked

"I do" Jamie said, Jungkook smiled, "you may exchange your vows" the priest said, they both smiled

Jungkook started, "i've known you for years now and I can't believe i'm marrying you right now, i've waited for years to marry you, my chipmunk, my pasta, my princess, my soulmate, Park Chaeyoung, I love you" Jungkook smiled

The parents frowned,  "i've known you since we were practically babies, we've been through alot together, you forgetting, remembering me and all that, i've waited for a very long time for this moment, my mochi, my Jiminie, Park Jimin, I love you with all my heart" Jamie said

"You may exchange rings" the priest said, Taehyung gave Jungkook the ring and Alexis gave Jamie the ring

They both put the rings on each their fingers, "you may kiss the bride" the priest smiled at the two

Jungkook removed a mask? It revealed Jimin and Jamie took off her veil to reveal Rosé

The two kissed passionately, "haha! Suckers!" Taehyung said and raised his hands in the air

Jennie toke a bottle of coke, shaked it, opened it and sprayed it around the room

Jisoo ripped her dress to reveal a skirt, she took off her high heels and grabbed the cake, running out the venue

Jin ran after Jisoo and held her hand, he kissed her cheek, "thank you mom for letting me marry her!!!!" Jin told his mom before going out the venue

Jin's mom smiled, "your welcome son!!!!" She said, her husband gave her a look, "what? I ship" She told her husband

Taehyung ran to Jennie and carried her bridal style, "don't want the mother of my child getting hurt, now, do I?" Taehyung winked at the crowd before dashing out the room

Jimin thanked the priest before carrying Rosé, "i love herrrrr!!!!" Jimin shouted, running out the room

They all ran into a van and shut the door close behind them, another batch of twice and got7 came to pick them up

In the first van was Mark, Sana, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Jihyo, Yugyeom and Bambam

In the second van were, Jeongyeon, Mina, Tzuyu, Dahyun, Jaebum, Momo and Jackson

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok went in a car with filming equipments, computers and a bunch of other stuffs

They all finally arrived to the place after a few minutes, everyone got out the vans and car, they all settled in the place

Twice and got7 were only going to stay there for the night, "finally! I really want to take this off!" Rosé said

"But couldn't you have ripped it like I did?" Jisoo asked, "nah! It's to beautiful!" Rosé said

"So....we're married" Jimin told Rosé, "totally forgot about that" Rosé chuckled nervously

"Kids" Jisoo faceplamed, "today is the first day" Jungkook told Lisa carresing her hand, "first day" Lisa smiled

They kissed looking at the sun setting, after a few years, Rosé got pregnant which may have resulted in Jimin fainting, Lisa and Jungkook had twin boys

Jennie gave birth to twin boy and girl, just after Jennie gave birth, Jin and Jisoo got married and had a beautiful baby girl

Taehyung proposed to Jennie a few years after and they got married the same year

Jungkook and Lisa got married, the following year after Jennie and Taehyung, they are now a happy family with their twin boys

The end!

"Eomma! This was a great story!" A little girl with black hair and black eyes told her mom

"I had to experience that" Jisoo told her daughter, then Jin opened the door, "Goodafternoon my sweet little angle" Jin said

"Appa!" The little girl said and ran to her dad, hugging him tightly "Eomma told me the story of how you all got together!" She told her dad

"Really!" Jin gave Jisoo a look, Jisoo smiled and walked towards Jin, kissing his cheek

"I didn't tell Soojin about Jen and Tae" Jisoo whispered in his ears, Jin signed in relief, he kissed her forehead

"When will baby brother be born?" Soojin asked, Jisoo smiled, touching her tummy, she was pregnant with her second child

"Soon babe" Jisoo told her daughter while Jin backhugged Jisoo and kissed her neck before resting his chin on her shoulder

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hoped you enjoyed this story, this the end of it now and I am working on a new story right now, thank you for voting and reading this story, thank you so much for supporting me! I purple all of you! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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