Chapter 13

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It was the next day, Lisa was woken up by Rosé's voice, "we need to get ready for breakfast" Rosé told Lisa when she saw that Lisa was fully awake

Lisa slowly took off the covers and sat up on her bed, she stood up and made her way to the bathroom, after getting ready

The two went out of their rooms with a bag containing their belongings

When the two arrived at the restaurant where they would have breakfast, they spotted Jin, Jisoo, Jennie, Namjoon and Hoseok already there

"Oppas! Unnies!" Rosé called waving her hand, making her way towards them, Lisa was still tired though, she really wanted to sleep

"Morning Rosé" they all said in unison, surprising them but they shrugged it off, Lisa sat next to Rosé who sat a seat away from Hoseok

"Morning Lis" Jisoo said with a smirk, "stop looking at me like that, how did Jen unnie even wake up this morning?" Lisa asked

"Oh! Our little Rosé called your Jisoo unnie and Jin oppa" Jennie told Lisa while glaring at Rosé who just did a peace sign

Soon after everyone came, Jimin sat next to Hoseok, Taehyung sat besides Lisa and Jungkook sat besides Taehyung

"Where is Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked looking at the empty seat between him and Jin, (the table was round btw)

"Here" they all heard a voice behind them, Yoongi sat down and then they all stood up except for Jennie, Lisa and Yoongi

The others went to the counter, grabbed a plate and took their foods, Jisoo, bringing food for Jennie while Rosé for Lisa and Jin brought for Yoongi

When they all arrived, they started to eat, "okay! I do not regret waking up early for this" Jennie said eating some waffles

"Yeah me too!" Lisa said with a mouth full of food, raising her right hand, making everyone laugh at her childishness (don't know if its a word or not)

It was already noon and now they were all on a boat, they went to feed some sharks, Hoseok, Jin and Jennie were all too scared to go, so they stayed back

"Oh my god! Look at it! It's HUGE!" Jimin said taking a picture for Rosé, he handed her phone back, Rosé kissed his cheek

"Thanks!" She said with the sweetest smile before going towards Lisa and Jisoo, Jimin just froze, he looked behind him and saw the other guys

They were smirking at him, he couldn't careless though, he just had his crush kiss her on his cheek

Yep! Our Jiminie has a crush on our Chipmunk! How cute! But anyways! Jimin felt two persons staring at him with an intense and evil stare

He looked at who it was but he couldn't find anyone staring at him and shurgged it off


After they were brought back to the beach, Jimin was being dragged somewhere, he didn't know what to do, so he just went with it

The person who was dragging him stopped, he looked up and saw a woman and a man, what I mean is, Lisa and Jungkook

They both had this smile on their faces, it was really scary to watch, Jimin didn't get scared though, but instead, was confused

"Why was I being dragged by you two?" Jimin asked Jungkook and Lisa, they both then give off this creepy aura

" alien told us that you have a crush on Rosie" Lisa told Jimin with the creepy aura still behind her, his eyes widened

"Taehyung!" He clenched his fist, "oh! He didn't want to tell me" Jungkook pinched Lisa, "i mean us" Lisa glared at Jungkook

"We had to bribe him" Lisa shurgged and sat down on a piece of branch on the ground, "with what?" Jimin asked

"We said we would give him my whole packe of s-" the creepy aura disappeared, "sna-" her eyes watered, "snac-" she burst out crying

"Snacks?" Jimin asked, Lisa nodded, looking down, letting her bangs cover her eyes, "what!? Why would you do that!"

Jimin asked like an overprotective brother, "Jun-Jungkook promised to buy me a new one but he didn't" Lisa cried more

Jimin glared at Jungkook making the poor boy jump, Jimin sat next to Lisa and side-hugged her, comforting her

"What about Jimin and Rosé, doll?" Jungkook asked, Lisa sniffed and looked up, she wiped her tears away and smiled her signature smile

"Yes! Jimin and Rosé! And stop with the doll thing" Lisa told Jungkook, "nope! Can't stop me!" Jungkook said with his bunny smile

Lisa shook her head knowing she couldn't stop him, "but yeah! About you having a crush on Rosie!" Lisa said getting back to Jimin

"We wanna help you! But before helping you, there is something you might wanna find out by yourself" Lisa said with a sweet smile

"What thing?" Jungkook asked, "i was talking to Jiminie oppa, not you" Lisa told Jungkook, the two maknaes left with Jungkook still asking Lisa about that "thing"

Jimin was left confused, but they promised they would help him, if he remembers something that he doesn't know what, he went back to his room still thinking

Timeskip, at night,

It was already night and they all had dinner, now, they were at the beach, stargazing

"It's so relaxing" Jin whispered, "i know" Jisoo answered back, they continued on stargazing, listening to the waves crashing on the shore

"I'm going to get us some more drinks" Taehyung said standing up, "we're coming aswell!" Jimin said pointing at himself and Hoseok

They went to get the drinks, the others all stood up, dusting off their clothes and sat down on some chairs

"I miss those moments when we didn't have to worry about a job and be free" Rosé said looking at the ocean, her eyes shining from the moonlight

"Yeah....i miss that too" Namjoon said eyeing the girls, they smiled at him knowing that they finally got him to remember about them

But then, they heard singing coming from behind them, they looked behind them and saw a cake with 11 candles on

"Happy brithday to you! Happy to birthday to you! Happy brithday to Jungkook! Happy birthday to you~" Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok sang while the others clapped

Jungkook smiled, he was really happy, "i thought you all forgot!" Jungkook said pointing at the boys

"They didn't, they were just planning this surprise for you" Jennie told him, Jungkook's eyes water, he was so happy

"Come! Cut the cake!" Jin told Jungkook, handing him a knife, Jungkook cut the ckae and everyone cheered, they celebrated the whole night

Happy birthday Jeon Jungkook! I'm so happy! He finally turned 22!

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