Chapter 18

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It was the sixth day, Lisa postponed, 'operation: break off Lisa's and Jung's engagement' because she wanted to help Jimin

She knew if she postponed that, she would get married but she still wanted to see Jirose babies

"Morning!" Rosé told Lisa with a bright smile, "Morning Rosie~" Lisa said getting up from her bed

"Where's Jen unnie?" Lisa asked Rosé putting her jacket on her, Rosé pointed towards the bathroom indicating Jennie was bathing

"Okay" Lisa simply replied, looking at her phone, she created a groupchat between her, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin

Only the four knew about Jimin's feelings(if you include himself), the four were texting right now

Lisa started to laugh at something grabbing both Rosé's and Jennie's (who just came out of the bathroom) attentions

"Lis? Are you alright?" Rosé asked worriedly, Lisa looked at Rosé and nodded, "It's just that Bambam sent a funny thing" Lisa explained

Jennie and Rosé nodded while Lisa stood up and went to her bathroom

She did her routine and came out of the bathroom with only her undergarments on

She took out some short shorts and a plain black crop top to wear to go eat breakfast

She took her necklace which she placed on the bed before going to bath and put it around her neck

Lisa sat down infront of a big mirror where all her makeup, perfumes and jewelleries were found

Lisa looked at herself in the mirror before putting on some light makeup and she wore her sandals after putting on some makeup

Lisa stood up from her chair and looked at herself in the mirror in her room only to spot someone standing behind her

"Ahhhh!" Lisa screamed but the person quickly covered her mouth with his hands, Lisa's eyes widened seeing who it was

"Lisa! Are you okay!" She heard Jennie asking from the room next to hers, Lisa quickly took Jungkook's hands off her mouth

"Yes unnie! I thought I saw a cockroach!" Lisa told Jennie, "okay!" She heard Jennie say, Lisa glared at Jungkook

"How long have you been here?" Lisa asked leaning down and taking her perfume bottle, she sprayed a few pumps

"Since you started to apply makeup on" Jungkook shrugged, Lisa signed in relief

Thanks gosh he didn't see me come out the bathroom! Lisa thought to herself

"But anyways, why are you here?" Lisa asked, "Taehyung wanted to ask what he is going to do for Jirose" Jungkook told Lisa

"Okay, tell him that he needs to just distract Rosé today, at night, for the big surprise" Lisa told Jungkook

Jungkook nodded, he was about to leave through the window when he stopped, "doll?" Jungkook called

Lisa hummed in response, "nice body you got there" Jungkook smirked, Lisa froze, She slowly looked behind her and went into beast mode

"You fucker!" Lisa yelled and started running towards Jungkook but he already got out and just then, her door opened

"Lis?" She heard Jennie say, Lisa slowly looked behind her, "i almost caught that cockroach!" Lisa told Jennie

"It went out the window?" Jennie asked, Lisa nodded, pouting cutely

Jennie laughed at how cute Lisa was and forgot about hearing Lisa yelling

At breakfast, 9.00 am

Everyone were at the breakfast table and now, Lisa had enough, Jungkook was just continuously teasing her

"Jungkook....please stop" Lisa told Jungkook with a quiet tone, he chuckled, "fine....i'll stop" he whispered to Lisa

Then their food arrived, they started to eat, "what are we doing after breakfast?" Jung asked, the seven boys and the four girls looked at each other

They talked through their eyes, they didn't want Jung where they were gone to, he is going to ruin everything!

"Um....Jung, we need to talk...." Lisa told him, they both stood up and went to talk at the beach found infront of the restaurant

"I'm sure she's breaking off the wedding...." Namjoon told them, sipping some tea, Jisoo raised a brow at him

" do you know?" Jisoo asked, Namjoon smirked and placed an arm around Jisoo's shoulder

But then he felt this intense glare, he quickly removed his arms from around Jisoo and continued

"Because I can read her lips...." Namjoon simply replied, but then.... "bahahaha!" Jisoo was heard laughing

Namjoon frowned, "what?" He asked Jisoo who motioned her hands at him, telling him it was nothing but he was still confused

"Wait really! What is it?" Namjoon asked again, Jisoo took a deep breath before saying

"Its just that....the fact that you can read her lips is hard to believe...." Jisoo answered

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, he then smirked out of nowhere

"But I can...." "infact! I can say that you four girls all have a crush on someone and the names of those someones are-"

Jennie quickly covered his mouth, Rosé and Jisoo smiled nervously at the other boys

"He was just joking!" Jennie told the boys, Rosé nodded in agreement but then Lisa appeared out of nowhere with a smile on her face

"Guess what!" Lisa told them, "what!" Jungkook asked scarcastically, "the wedding is off!" Lisa squealed

The other girls' jaws dropped, they all looked at Namjoon who had a smug look on his face

"I'm going to cook a three course meal for all of you!" Jisoo said with a happy smile on her face

"Yes! Fooooddddd!" Jin yelled out of nowhere, jumping out of his seat, everyone looked at him weirdly

"Sorry...." Jin told everyone and bowed a little before sitting back down, the girls and the other boys burst out laughing

This is the happiest they have been so far apart from Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung finding out but yes....that was the happiest they have ever been....yet....

(Thank you again for 500 reads for this book💜)

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