Chapter 16

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Last Chapter~~

"Depends on how you see it, NiNi" Jennie's eyes widened, she was speechless, Taehyung smirked

Jennie didn't know what to say, she looked into Taehyung's eyes and saw something, Taehyung always does that when he is acting smart

His eyes changed and became cat-like and he has this smirk on his face that no one could explain

" you know something?" Jennie asked, just to make sure, Taehyung leaned towards her

"Yes, I do know something, but, do you?" Taehyung asked leaning closer to her face, Jennie held her breath

Please tell me you remember Jennie thought hopeful, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Taehyung was confused by that

"Kim Taehyung" Jennie smirked, her eyes became sharp, "i asked the question first" she placed her hands on his chest

She started to trace it to his abs, "remember?" She asked, stopping her hands from moving, Taehyung looked at her hand and back up at her

"Yes, infact I do" Taehyung whispered in her ears, he moved back, Jennie leaned closer to his mouth, tempting him to kiss her

"Then why don't you answer it?" Jennie raised a brow at him, acting confused, "because I-" Taehyung was about to answer but,

"Hush, hush, hush, baby~" Jennie said in a seductive voice, she grabbed his collar and pulled him an inch away from her lips

Taehyung's eyes travelled to Jennie's lips, he licked his lips, "answer it first and I can give you what you want~" Jennie pushed him away from her

Taehyung signed, "fine, I will tell you what I know but keep your promise" Taehyung told her, getting away from her face

Yes! Jennie thought in victory, don't ever underestimate me~ Jennie thought turning her voice into a seductive one

"Sure" Jennie said clamly, "okay, I know that-" Taehyung was cut off by a voice behind him

"Hyung! Alittle help here!" Jungkook called pointing at Lisa who had fallen asleep in his arms

Taehyung gave Jennie a miscievous smirk, making her stick her tongue out at him, after Taehyung turned around and walked towards Lisa,

Dammit! Jennie thought and stomped her foot on the ground, she gave up on sulking and went to help Jungkook

"What the hell are you guys doing!?" Jennie's jaw dropped, she saw Jungkook holding Lisa from her arm while Taehyung from Lisa's foot

"What?" They both asked innocently, "you look like kidnappers!" Jennie remarked

They both looked at Lisa and at each other and at Jennie and then back at each other

"Yeah we do" Jungkook agreed, the boys put her down on the sand, Jennie clicked her tongue, she crouched down besides Lisa

"So! Jungkook come here!" Jennie motioned Jungkook to come towards her with her hands

"This is how you are going to carry her" Jungkook nodded, Jennie showed him how to carry Lisa bridal style

"See! All done- aaahhhhhhhhh!" Jennie was lifted off the ground, she looked up and saw Taehyung, he was carrying her

"Put me down!" Jennie kicked her legs but Taehyung didn't care, he just brought her back to his room

Jungkook was left alone with Lisa, "Jungkook?" He heard a voice call, he looked behind him and saw his ex, Samantha

She was a girl who was 1 inch shorter than Jungkook, she had really short hair which was dyed white

She really loved wearing revealing clothes and she was really possessive of Jungkook

She would monitor anything he did and he hated that, thats why they broke up

"Samantha?" Jungkook asked, the girl nodded with a happy smile, "it's been so long!" Samantha said

"Ye-eah! It's been veryyyy long!" Jungkook said awkwardly, Samantha's eyes travelled to Lisa who was still asleep

"Who is she?" Samantha asked, like she was 'a queen', "um, she's my assistant, Lisa...." Jungkook simply answered

"An assistant should not be treated like this!" Samantha scoffed, Jungkook frowned

"Well sorry to break it to you but we broke up years ago, Samantha" Jungkook told her, she started to cry

"But why?" Samantha asked innocently trying to act cute which disgusted Jungkook, she was really annoying to him now

"Because of you thinking you could control me, you didn't even trust me!" Jungkook remarked, Samantha cried more

"Give me another chance! Please!" Samantha begged him, "Sorry but no" Jungkook said with a poker face

She got angry, "and why not!" She asked aggressively, "because I like someone else" Jungkook answered honestly, her jaw dropped

"What!? Who!" She asked, Jungkook smiled and looked at Lisa before saying, "it's a secret" he told her and turned around

She was speechless, she couldn't believe her ears but then again he was right, she was always controlling him

The next day,

It was the next day which was the fourth day of them staying at the resort, they were all found in different rooms

So, here's the situation, Jimin was in Rosé's room, Jimin and Rosé were found cuddling on Jennie's bed

They both had a blanket, with a cute teddy bear pattern on it, the blanket was baby pink, covering them, keeping them warm

Jungkook and Lisa were also in the same room as Jimin and Rosé, they were both in a very weird position

Jungkook was laying down the bed, his arms and legs spread across the bed taking over the bed, Lisa was at the opposite side

She was hugging Jungkook's right leg, her right hand over his right leg and her left leg under his right leg

Lisa's leg were wrapped around his torso, her right leg over and her left leg under, it was seriously weird

Next was Jisoo and Jin, these two were in their rooms on Jin's bed, they were both covered with cotons, their pillows were filled with nothing

But the good part was they were cuddling! Oh god! It was the cutest thing ever! It looked so romantic (if you think of the cotons as rose petals)

Jennie and Taehyung were in his room, Taehyung was on the floor with only his pants on

Jennie was on his bed wearing only an overlarged t-shirt he gave her, (apparently)

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were the only normal one and they were SO thankful they woke up early

They took pictures of all the couples, Yoongi had nothing better to do, Hoseok came up with that wonderful! idea and Namjoon was Hoseok's accomplice

I mean, it was the best day for them, they even filmed the reaction of them waking up, a staff even helped them!

All the pictures and videos could be used as blackmail in the future when they want something

Thanks alot for 360 reads!

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