Chapter 4

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It was the first day after the girls moved in the boys' house, it was 4.00 am and Jisoo was up, she couldn't sleep at all last night because of the change

Jisoo put on her slippers and a coat since it was cold outside, she pulled the curtains and opened the door, she made her way outside only to spot Jennie there

"Morning Jen...." Jisoo said in a deep voice sitting next to Jennie who was sitting by the pool

"Morning unnie...." Jennie replied with a smile, "couldn't sleep last night?" Jisoo asked Jennie, "yeah...." Jennie responded

"Who is going to drop us at college?" Jennie asked, "me....I am driving us to school today" Jisoo said pointing at herself

"When are we going to tell the boys about our partime jobs?" Jennie asked, "today at breakfast since we need to go today anyways...." Jisoo told Jennie

"Right...." Jennie said, then it was silent but it was broken by a door behind them opening, it was Rosé

"Morning Jisoo unnie, Jennie unnie...." Rosé said and sat down next to Jennie, "morning Rosé" Jennie and Jisoo said in unison

"You guys couldn't sleep either last night?" Rosé asked noticing how tired they seemed, Jisoo and Jennie nodded

"Me too....I miss our small house, it might be the change, I think...." Rosé told them, "yeah...." Jennie answered and just then, Lisa's door opened

"Morning Lis..." the three of them said in unison, "morning Jichu unnie, Jen unnie and Rosie...." Lisa said in a sleepy voice

"Let me couldn't sleep either last night?" Jisoo asked as Lisa made her way towards Rosé and sat next to her

"Yeah...couldn't sleep last night...." Lisa answered putting her head on Rosé's shoulder

"We all couldn't sleep last night....what a weird coincidence" Jennie said, Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa all nodded

"It might be because we are living in the same house with the boys again....they left years ago...." Rosé said sadly

"Yeah....and when we find them again they all forgot about us..." Jennie continued, Rosé wrapped her arm around Lisa and Jennie laid her head on Jisoo's shoulder

They all looked up at the sky, letting the silence enveloping them, "the day we wished for so many years finally arrived but it turned out worst...." Jisoo said

"I know....even my own brother forgot about me...." Lisa told them, they signed deeply knowing there was nothing else they could ever hope for than stay with their bestfriends

"The thing is....they haven't changed one bit!" Rosé said brightening up the mood, they all laugh

"Yeah! Jin is still self-obsess!" The looked at Jisoo amused, "you wouldn't believe what he said when he toured me around his office room!" Jisoo said

"What!" they all eagerly said, "he said that he was worldwide handsome!" They all burst out laughing

"Jungkook still loves teasing people....and he still loves videogames! When he toured me around his office I saw the game overwatch!" Lisa told them lifting her head off of Rosé's shoulder, the girls all laugh

"Taehyung still fears bees!" (Not sure if he does) Jennie told them lifting her head off of Jisoo's shoulder, "wait!? Really!?" Lisa asked with a smile plastered on her face

"Yeah!" Jennie nodded, "when he toured me around his office, there was a bee outside his window and then he jumped and told me to close the window with a hanger!" Jennie laughed

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