Chapter 12

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It was the day they had to go to the resort and there was a van waiting for them, since they all decided that Namjoon would drive

They were all a bit worried....OKAY! No! I mean they were worried, worried! They all knew that Namjoon had destroyed atleast one of their belongings

But since everyone was busy doing something, they had Namjoon drive, he was smart enough that he should know he should be careful, right..?

"Jungkook! C'mon! We are gonna be late!" Lisa told Jungkook trying to pull him off the couch

"Wait! Wait! I just need to know if she wants to spend the nightover when we come back" Lisa scoff

"Yes Jungkook! She would wanna comeback! I mean, all the girls that you have gone out with always comes back! Why wouldn't she?" Lisa asked him

Jungkook thought about it for awhile, "you do have a point...." Jungkook nodded approvingly, Lisa groaned and grabbed his arm

"We are going! NOW!!!!" Lisa told him and pulled him off the couch with all her energy finally getting him up

She stumbled alittle after getting him off the couch but still dragged him to the van, ofcourse not forgetting their luggages!

"Finally got him to come?" Rosé asked handing Lisa water bottle as Lisa entered the van

"yeah! He wouldn't want to get his ass off the couch!" Lisa said outloud for him to hear

"Okay! I was trying to get myself a date! Unlike you" Jungkook whispered, Lisa raised a brow at him

"Oh~ you shouldn't have said that" Jimin whispered to Jungkook and patted his shoulder

"Okay! I do go on dates!" Lisa fought back, Jungkook smirked, "you do?" Jungkook asked mischievously

Lisa opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out of her mouth, (btw, seat arrangements)

Passenger seat- Yoongi Driver seat- Namjoon

Front seat- Hoseok

Second seat- Jin, Jisoo, Jennie

Third seat- Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook

At the very back- Rosé, Lisa

She crossed her arms, puffing out her cheeks and slumped on the seat making everyone else laugh

Namjoon started the engine and started to drive, it was pretty quiet at the beginning, everyone doing their own stuffs, until! Jisoo's phone rang

It startled Jennie who was sleeping, Jisoo picked it up, "hello?" Jisoo answered

"Ah! Hello Jisoo! It's me! Daewoo!" A guy's voice was heard from the other line

Jisoo's eyes widened, she exchange glances with Jennie who was also surprised, "o-oh! Right! It's you!" Jisoo laugh nervously

"So, about that second date?" Daewoo asked in a seductive voice, Jisoo fake gagged making Jennie laugh

"Um....sorry but, uh, I found a boyfriend!" Jisoo came up with a lie, Jennie's eyes widened when she heard Jisoo say that

"Oh, okay then! I guess his name is Jin? Because you kept talking and talking and talking! About him on our date last week" Jisoo's face turned red

Jennie smirked at her friend's secret, "y-yeah....goodbye!" Jisoo quickly hanged up the phone and hid her face with her hands

Jisoo turned around and saw all the maknaes smiling innocently hiding something behind their backs

She turned back to the front, confused, when she spotted Yoongi and Hoseok giving her a thumbs up while Namjoon was just smiling at her from the rearview mirror

Jennie on the other hand was trying so hard not to laugh, Jisoo frowned and looked besides her to see Jin sleeping peacefully with his earpods

She gave sign of relief and turned back to look at the window, apparently, Jisoo accidentally turned her phone speaker on at the moment when Daewoo mentioned the Jin thing

The maknaes recorded that scene, well because....for blackmail! If they wanted something from Jisoo, they could have it, just like that!


It has already been 2hrs and everyone was getting bored but then, "look guys! We're here!" Lisa said like a little kid, everyone looked out the window and saw a beautiful resort

Namjoon drove to the entry of the resort, a man popped out his head from a window, "hello sir, I believe there was a reservation under the name of Mr Manoban?" Namjoon asked

The man took out a large book and searched for the name, when he found it, he smiled, he opened the gates and Namjoon entered

He parked the van at the parking lot, everyone exited the van and made there way to the entrance, Jin pushed the glass doors, revealing something from a movie

The lobby was huge, it had beautiful tiled floors with some gold strips design on, there was a porter beside the door

Jungkook and Taehyung handed him the luggages while Namjoon and Yoongi went to check in the hotel

Lisa, Rosé and Jimin were on their phones, Jennie, Jisoo and Hoseok were talking together, when,

"We're in!" They all heard Yoongi say, the other 9 all made their way towards him and Namjoon

"So?" Jennie raised a brow at them, asking which rooms they were, "um, room 127, 403, 1113 and 1630" Namjoon told them, they all looked at each other before screaming,

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!" Namjoon and Yoongi covered their ears, after everyone had finally calmed down, Namjoon explained,

"Well, that's what Mr Manoban booked" Namjoon shurgged, "that son of a bitch" Lisa muttered under her breath

Hoseok and Rosé who were next to her, eye's widened, they both took one of their hands and covered her mouth making everyone confused by their behaviour

"Um....a fly was about to get into her mouth!" Hoseok came up with a believable lie, Rosé smiled awkwardly and nodded

"O-kayyyyyyyy, but moving on!" Namjoon said grabbing everyone's attention, Lisa, Rosé and Hoseok all signed in relief

"Okay so! Lets chose our roommates! Oh! And only three persons per room!" Namjoon announced

They all looked at each other, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin obviously went together, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok also went together

Lisa and Rosé went together, Jennie and Jisoo went together while Jin was alone, "not gonna work, there are only four rooms" Yoongi remarked pointing at the girls and Jin

"So, one of the girls need to book with me..?" As soon as Jin said that, Lisa, Jennie and Rosé backed away, Jisoo stood there confused

"Great! Jisoo it is!" Hoseok said with a smile, Jisoo looked behind her, glared at the girls making them jump

They all made their way to their rooms and settled in, now they were all in Namjoon's, Yoongi's and Hoseok's room

Lisa, Jungkook and Taehyung were all playing overwatch, Jimin and Rosé were talking together

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin went out for a walk because Hoseok wanted Sprite (i love our sunshine so much!)

Jennie and Jisoo were making slime in the boys' bathroom while Yoongi was you know, asleep, the usual Yoongi....

Thank you for 200 reads!

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