Chapter 15

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It was the third day at the resort, at night, at the beach near the resort, Jimin went to meet up the girls, he called them, acting like he doesn't remember them

"Jimin!" Jimin heard Jisoo call, he looked behind him and saw the girls, they all seemed so tired

"You fucker! You made me go through alot of trouble to come here! Ya know?" Jisoo asked, "right, Jin hyung" Jimin remarked

"But anyways! Why did you call us here?" Lisa asked, raising her brow and crossing her arms

"oh! I just wanted to ask if any of you knew Kim Jisoo, Kim Jennie, Park Chaeyoung and Lalisa Manoban?" Jimin asked

The girls' eyes widened, they all looked at each other and back at Jimin, Rosé cleared her throat

"Um....yeah! Yeah we do! Infact! We are very close to them!" Rosé said with a bright smile, Jimin pointed his mouth, nodding, he walked towards her

"Okay! I just wanted to ask that cause my bestfriends, a long time ago had your names" Jimin told them, they all nodded

"Anyways! You guys need head back! It's getting cold! You might fall sick!" Jimin said, the girls nodded and was about to head back but then they heard,

"Angels" the girls all turned around, "yo-you, what did, you, j-just say?" Jisoo stuttered, Jimin smirked

Those girls! Thought you could hide this secret from me? No way! But....they did hide it for days.... Jimin thought

"Angels? Oh! Am I not suppose to call my bestfriends that?" Jimin asked, the girls all smiled

"JIMINIE OPPAAAA!!!!!!!" the girls all tackled him in a hug, he laughed, their eyes were all teary, they were so happy

"You finally remembered" Rosé whispered, "oh yes I did, chipmunk" Jimin smirked standing up, they all stood up

"Hey! You are still short!" Rosé told him, puffing out her cheeks, "but i'm still taller than you" Jimin told her, she laughed and shook her head

They all spend the rest of the night at a bar which was found next to the beach, getting drunk

Jisoo, Jennie and Jimin were the only one not drunk, they all had a high tolerance on alcohol

"C'mon! I wanna go see Kookie!" Lisa dragged Rosé away from the bar, "but I wanna see Jiminie!" Rosé pouted

"But you can see him tomorrow!" Lisa whined, "but I wanna see him today!" Rosé also whined, "but Kookie!" Lisa said with pouty lips

"Jiminie!" Rosé told Lisa, people who were passing by found this cute and funny, two grown up women, fighting over who's 'boyfriend' they needed to visit

"I wanna see kookkkkiiiieeee!" Lisa said outloud, she started to walk away from Rosé, but then bumped into someone

Lisa looked up and her eyes widened, she smiled widely and hugged that person, "Kookie!" Lisa said, Jungkook looked surprised

"Um....hey doll..?" Jungkook said awkwardly, he looked up and saw Jisoo coming towards him

"Thanks for coming Jungkook! We really need help right now" Jisoo said pointing at Jennie trying to get Rosé to get up from the ground

"Hey! He's not alone!" Taehyung said pointing at himself and a very angry Jin, Jisoo was confused upon seeing him angry

"Hi oppa" Jisoo said with a bright smile and waved, Jin frowned, he walked towards her and placed his hands on her waist

What he did next was really surprising, he flung her over his left shoulder, Jisoo squealed and looked up  at him

"Hey Jisoo" Jin then answered with an innocent smile, "put me down!" Jisoo said and started to punch his back

"Is this how you greet your senior?" Jin asked, Jisoo glared at him, she was really mad right now

"Put me down! Jin! *punch* Put! *punch* Me! *punch* Down! *punch*" Jisoo kept on punching him

"Nope! I am not going to put you down unless you stop punching me!" Jin teased, Jisooo groaned, she stopped

"Okay! Now! Can you put me down?"Jisoo asked, "nope!" Jin shook his head and smirked upon seeing her priceless reaction

"And why not!" Jisoo asked looking at Jin puffing out her cheek, "because you didn't tell me that you were going out" Jin said

Jisoo opened her mouth and frowned looking at him, "is this what it is about?" Jisoo asked raising a brow at him

"Yep!" Jin nodded and started to walk off, "i can do whatever I want! I am NOT your property!" Jisoo told Jin

"Sorry sweetheart but I remember you signing a contract" Jin said like a smartass, Jisoo groaned, giving up, she just let him take her back to their room

"I don't wanna go back! I wanna see Jiminie!" Rosé said crying, Jennie gave up, she sat down at the bar and ordered a drink

"Hey Rosé!" Jimin said with a smile, crouching down to her level, she sniffed and looked up, her eyes sparkled

"Jiminie!" Rosé said and jumped on him, Jimin caught her, (of course!), "hey! Hey! Be careful princess! You might get hurt!" Jimin warned

"I won't ever get hurt if you're here!" Rosé smiled, "i know, I won't ever let you get hurt" Jimin told her

Rosé got out of Jimin's arms but stumbled backwards, she fell down on the sand

Jimin chuckled and carried Rosé bridal style, she put her arms around his neck

Jimin walked towards the direction of Jennie's, Rosé's and Lisa's room, bringing Rosé there

As Jennie watched Jimin bringing Rosé to the room, she signed deeply, she finished her beer and got off the chair

"You shouldn't have drank that much" Taehyung warned, Jennie looked at him with a bored look

"Who are you? My dad?" Jennie asked, Taehyung smirked, he walked towards her, she backed away

Every step he took, she backed away until she fell down on the stand, Taehyung grabbed her arms, pulling her towards him, making her stand up

"Depends on how you see it, NiNi" Jennie's eyes widened, she was speechless, Taehyung smirked

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