Chapter 8

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It was the fifth day since the girls moved and today seems like Rosé was going on a date, the boys didn't know

Well, of course the girls would know! Right? WELL YOUR ALL WRONG! Rosé didn't tell anyone about it cause she knew that if she did the girls would all go, ballistic!

So, she quietly made her way out of her bedroom and tried to walk as quietly as possible, she finally made it out of the hallway

Rosé pumped her fist in the air and said, "yes!" Then while making her way to the door she bumped into someone

Crap! Rosé thought and then slowly looked up, she saw Jimin right infront of her looking at her right in the eye

"He-yyy!" Rosé said awkwardly and cracked a small smile making Jimin suspicious, he looked at her up and down and saw her all dressed up

Jimin smirked, "where are you going?" Jimin asked, then Rosé looked at him up and down, he was also dressed up

"On a date...." Rosé answered in a whisper, "and where are you going?" Rosé asked emphasising the word 'you'

"On a date...." Jimin told her, Rosé nodded and turned back around, she walked very quietly to the door and opened it, she then spotted the guy waiting for her

Rosé smiled and walked towards him, then she saw a girl next to him, Jimin then made his way towards the girl

"Are we going?" The guy asked, "uh, yeah! Yeah! Lets go!" Rosé told him, he went to a black car and opened his door getting in

Rosé frowned, isn't he suppose to open my door or something like that? Rosé asked herself

Then the guy honked, Rosé snapped out of her thoughts and opened the car door getting in, she signed deeply before entering

This is going to be a lllllllooonnnngggggg night! She told herself and the guy started the car

Jimin just watched from afar, he snapped out of his thoughts by the girl, Jimin and the girl left to go on their date

Back at home, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jin were all doing their own things

They knew Rosé and Jimin left because Rosé told them that she was going to a friend's house for a project, it was a believable lie cause the girls were all in different grades

With the boys, Jimin told them that he was going out and was going to go at a restaurant by himself which was quite believable, Jimin usually does that

Jennie came out of her room and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, Jin was cooking, Taehyung was waiting at the dinning table on his phone

"Hi Oppa" Jennie said taking a glass from the cupboard, Jin smiled and went back to cooking

"What are you cooking?" Jennie asked filling her glass with water, "i am cooking something" Jin joked, Jennie pouted making Jin chuckle

"You will find out later Jen, now! Why don't you go and talk to Taehyung?" Jin asked her, Jennie raised a brow at him

"You tryna get rid of me?" Jennie asked, Jin smiled innocently at her, she signed and went out of the kitchen, sitting down at the dinning table

"Hey Tae" Jennie told him sitting down besides him, Taehyung looked up and smiled, "hey Jen!" Taehyung said with an excited tone then......................................silence

" you by any chance....know where Lisa and Jungkook went?" Jennie asked Taehyung

"Um.....yeah, they are at-"

Somewhere very far from here,

(It was night btw, just saying if you didn't know)

"The beach!" Jungkook said throwing himself in the water, Lisa signed deeply and set a cloth so as she could sit down and relax under a tree

Lisa took her phone from the bag she brought and went onto her camera, she took a couple of pictures of the ocean and the moon reflecting on it, was breathtaking

Lisa then posted four of these pictures on Insta and set her phone down taking a deep breath and looking up at the sky, it was very relaxing

But then Jungkook had to disturb her, she turned around and looked at him, the moonlight reflecting on her eyes

"Aren't you coming!" Jungkook asked from the ocean, Lisa shook her head, "I'm not! Jisoo unnie told me not to because I might get a cold!" Lisa told him

"Okay!" Jungkook answered her giving her a thumbs up, Lisa smiled watching him, he looked cute she thought

Lisa's eyes widened, wtf! Wtf! Wtf! How did those stupid thoughts get into my mind! He is your senior Lisa! Wake up! Lisa told herself and slapped her herself continuously

Jungkook looked at her confused, "are you okay Lis!" Jungkook asked her, Lisa immediately stopped and froze

"Y-yeah! was! Yeah a bug! It flew on me!" Lisa quickly thought of something, Jungkook believed her though

Lisa put her hands on her chest and gave a sign of relief, she felt very weird when she is around him, she doesn't know why, she looked up admiring the beautiful sky

I missed him....

I'm so sorry that the update was very slow but I got back at school yesterday, Monday, and the updates are going to be slow and since i'm in grade 8, gonna turn older on 12th October, I know just before Jiminie's birthday! (which is on the 13th October) i know my country's school system is not like the others, anyways! The updates are gonna be very slow for the next 2 months or so because I think my exams start in like a month and a half....but yes! As I was saying! So sorry again! I hope you enjoy this chapter and yeah! That's it! Goodnight/Goodmorning/ Goodafternoon! Bye! Love ya all 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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