Chapter 25

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I'm pretty sure you must have been wondering, what happened between Jinsoo? it is


Jisoo woke up really early, she couldn't sleep a wink the night before, Jisoo went outside not seeing a figure behind her

She sat down on the sand and watched the sky, it was still dark since it was 5 am

"I miss my Jinnie" Jisoo said outloud without realising it, she covered her mouth but frowned

"Theres no one who can hear me, i'm alone!" Jisoo talked to herself again, "okay, this is weird, let's stop talking to myself"

Jisoo said again, she sign deeply before closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore

It was really relaxing, when she was a kid, she did that when she wanted to be alone or if she was mad

But then, she heard someone sitting next to her, "hey...." Jisoo heard a familiar voice say, her eyes opened immediately

"Jichu" that person completed their sentence, "Jin oppa?" Jisoo said nervously, "ho-how do y-you-" before she could ask her question she was cut off by him

"How do I remember you? Well, I heard you say 'my Jinnie'" Jisoo faceplamed when she heard him say that

"Your name, Kim Jisoo, the nickname you give the girls, the way you act motherly, your cooking and lastly when you and the girls were talking outside" Jin said

"Y-you heard that?" Jisoo asked, Jin nodded looking at the sky, "didn't know you thought i was self-obsess" Jin teased

"We-well you see-" Jisoo was cut off by Jin, yet again....."you don't need to explain anything to me my pikachu" Jin told her

"I don't wanna lose my job, ya know?" Jisoo joked, Jin laughed, then everything went silent

The silence was not awkward or anything but it was, comfortable, they both sat there looking at the sky

Jin then accidentally placed his hand on Jisoo's, "i'm sorry!" Jin apologised, he was about to take his hand away but Jisoo held it

She intertwined their hands together and put her head on his shoulder, he relaxed and held Jisoo's hand back

"Jin oppa" Jisoo called, Jin hummed in response, "i missed you" Jisoo said, "i know Chu, I know, I missed you too" Jin said softly

"A-and I promised myself something else aswell when you left" Jisoo confessed, Jin looked at her

Jisoo lifted her head from his shoulder, "i promised when I will meet you again, i-i, should I put this"

Jisoo bit her lips, "i-I promised myself that-" she couldn't say it, she took a deep breath and took Jin's hands

She held both of them and looked at him, "oppa....saranghae" she confessed! She confessed! KIM JISOO FUCKING CONFESSED!?!!!

Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa all thought, yes....they were spying on those two

"Its alright if you don't return my feelings, I just wanted to tell you this" Jisoo said and stood up to go back into the guests house but

Jin pulled her down, he grabbed her waist and kissed her, her eyes widened, Jin broke the kiss

"Jisoo, nado saranghae" Jin told Jisoo, she smiled widely and tackled him, Jin laughed

"So? Are we together now?" Jisoo asked, Jin smiled, "your mine, i'm yours" Jin said and kissed her forehead

Then they heard crying, the two looked at a tree and saw their friends, they both quickly stood up and dusted sand off them

"I'm going to be single foreverrrrrrrr!" Lisa said, Rosé agreed and hugged Lisa as they both cried

"Tsk! None sense! You both will find boyfriends! I'm going to be the single one here...." Jennie muttered under her breath

"JenJen! You already found a boyfriend! I'm the single one here!" Hoseok said, Namjoon frowned

"Shut up you four! You all found boyfriends! I'm the one who's single!" Namjoon snapped

They all went and congratulate the new couple, it was a really happy day, Jungkook was the only one who doesn't know


"Kookie!" Lisa called, he was still shocked, everyone were in the living room, they had told him what happened and who the girls were

Jungkook found out who the girls were by the story, "so....let me get this straight, you girls were all our bestfriends?" He asked

Everyone nodded, "Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung found out first?" everyone nodded

"Then Jiminie hyung but Tae knew from the beginning, so, he was the one who technically found out first?" They nodded

"Then Jin hyung found out and Jin hyung got a girlfriend, and now, you are telling me this story? So, i'm the last to find out?" Everyone nodded, yet again

"Woah! That's a hella long story! But anyways....doll, since Taehyung is your brother"

"Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung are both destined to be together and Namjoon hyung is single"

"Jin hyung is with noona and hyung has a crush on Rosé, who is that bestfriend who you have a crush on?" Jungkook asked Lisa

Lisa chuckled nervously and quickly left the room, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok followed her and quickly got out that room

Omg! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I'm so! sooooooo happy! Thank you so much! I'm so thankful! Sorry if i take a long time to post a chapter but thank you all so much! Love ya all! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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