Chapter 5

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It was already the second day, it was noon and they all went to the circus since the boys needed to do their performance and the girls went since they're their assistants

They all came in a van with the windows being black so as people not to recognise them and throw a fuss

The girls had to memorize the boys schedule, give them their water bottles after performing and so on

The boys had to perform for 2 hours today, without stopping since Mr Min, who was apparently Min Yoongi and their manager decided on this to impress the audience

"I'm really happy that the boys chose you four girls to be their personal assistant...." Mr Min told them standing next to Mr Jung observing the boys perform

"Thank you sir...." Jisoo answered with a sweet smile, Mr Min nodded, he and Mr Jung decided on this circus, it was becoming really popular nowadays

"4" Lisa whispered, "3" Rosé whispered, "2" Jennie whispered, "1" Jisoo whispered and just then the boys came down through an underground opening

The girls handed the boys their water bottles as they drank it, they were exhausted, they handed the boys some towels aswell

"We're exhausted!" Jin exclaimed sitting on a chair which appeared out of nowhere, "we figured...." Jisoo chuckled

"How can you keep on performing non-stop like that! That's crazy!" Lisa told them dabbing a towel, in which ice was found, on Jungkook's forehead on her tippy toes

"We know....that's why I just said 'we're exhausted!'" Jin said mimicking what he just said earlier, Rosé chuckled

"But guys must be starving! You haven't eaten since this morning except for breakfast! You guys have been practicing, practicing, practicing and practicing!" Rosé told them

"We girls must have been worried...." Taehyung told them with a smirk while Jennie brought him another water bottle which was cold

"Yes we were- i mean! No we weren't!" Jennie said covering up what she just said, Mr Min and Mr Jung was just observing them

"Stop the chit-chat!" Mr Min ordered, they all fell silent, "Couples! We are going to a restaurant for lunch!" Mr Jung beamed

"WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!?!?!?!!!!!!!" The eight all exclaimed at the same time, Mr Min and Mr Jung covered their ears, crunching up their faces

"Right, right...." Mr Min said calmly, they all signed, looking down, giving up on trying to stop their managers from shipping them

"Boys! Go get dressed! Girls go with them!" Mr Min told them, they nodded, the girls followed the boys to their rooms

"Aren't you going to take a shower?" Rosé asked Jimin confused, "why? Do I smell that bad?" He asked her and smelled his clothes which he had on, he scrunched up his nose

"Right! I need a shower!" Jimin told her and went inside the bathroom, shutting the door close

"Wait oppa! Your clothes and towel!" Rosé told him, he opened the door with his shirt already removed, Rosé blushed upon seeing his abs

"What would i do without you?" Jimin asked her with a smile taking his clothes and towel from the blushing Rosé

Jimin shut the door close and as he did, Rosé took his pillow on his bed, (yes.....there was a bed in his office room) and screamed in it

"Why! Why! Why!" She screamed again in the pillow and kept on punching it that she didn't notice Jimin coming out

"Whats up with you?" Jimin asked rubbing the towel in his hair, drying it, Rosé instantly looked up

"O-oh....hi..?" Rosé said awkwardly with a nervous laugh, she quickly stood up and left the room, running out and covering her face with her hands, leaving a confused Jimin

A few minutes later,

Taehyung was the last one to finish, Lisa smirked, Jennie knowing that smirk tried to stop her but it was too late

"Taehyung oppa! You take too long to get ready! You are so like Jennie unnie! I bet you guys would make a really good couple!" Lisa teased

Jisoo and Rosé faceplamed while Jennie's and Taehyung's face turned red, embarrassed

"Your maknae is really like our Jungkook...." Jin whispered to Jisoo who nodded agreeing with Jin

"I know....the only difference are their genders and one is from Bangkok while the other is from Busan" Jisoo whispered back

"Hey! Everyone knows that I was the first one born there!" Jimin told them, "we know oppa...." Rosé was the only one to answer while the others ignored him

"Thanks Rosé...." Jimin told her with a smile, "but anyways why were you punching my pillow in my room?" Jimin asked recalling the incident from before

Rosé's eyes widened, "w-what are you talking about! I-i wasn't punching any pillow! O-oh! Look! *makes phone ringing sounds* My mom is calling me!" Rosé quickly left

Jimin was really confused by that but he didn't say anything and went to talk with Mr Min and Mr Jung

They all went in the van that brought the boys and the girls here to go at a restaurant and according to Mr Jung

Mr Kim, their other manager, Kim Namjoon reserved a private room for them to eat

They all exited the van putting on their masks and their caps, when they got inside the restaurant, it looked really fancy and elegant

There was a man who was at the back of a cash register and they all made their way there, Jennie spoke

"Um....hi....I think someone by the name Kim Namjoon reserved a table for 11?" Jennie asked (and yes Mr Kim will join them)

"Right! Let me call someone to bring you there" the man told them, they nodded and waited patiently, the man made a phone call, after a few minutes another person arrived

"Follow me please...."he told them, they followed him to a room and there was Mr Kim, waiting for them

"Oh! Hello! Come, come! Sit!" Mr Kim told them, they nodded, (btw....the table is a long rectangular one) here are their seat arrangements:


Lisa      | Jungkook
Jennie     |  Taehyung
Rosé     |        Jimin
Jisoo     |             Jin
Hoseok     |     Namjoon

"Sooooo....what did you order Sir?" Jennie asked, Namjoon chuckled, "don't call me sir! Call me whatever you want! And for Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung aswell!" Namjoon told the girls

The girls were shocked hearing these words from him, it seemed so.....familiar "o-okay, i'm going to start, I guess...." Jisoo told him

" about Joon oppa, Yoongs oppa and Hoseok oppa" Jisoo said, they all nodded approvingly

"Namjoon oppa, Yoongi oppa and Hoseok oppa" Jennie simply said, they all nodded

"Joon oppa, Yoongi oppa and Hoseok oppa" Rosé said, they all nodded except for Hoseok

"Why aren't you giving me a nickname aswell!" He said, the girls all laughed, they all looked at Lisa since it was her turn

"Joonie oppa, Min oppa and Hobi oppa!" Lisa said coming up with a nickname for Hoseok, he pumped his fist in the air

"Finally!" He said but then his face suddenly changed, "are you okay hyung?" Jimin asked confused by his sudden change of expression

"Y-yeah....i'm alright....I just remembered....I forgot to watch 'my little pony'!" He said acting freaked out, they all laughed at what he just said

But....the thing is....he wasn't thinking of 'my little pony' was something else....that reminded him about his childhood....

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