Chapter 22

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They all knew they needed to pay back the resort for the damage they caused but where would they get the money

From their parents? Nope....they won't pay for the damage their children caused, they had no choice but to replace the items only

Namjoon, thankfully! Was the smart one and thought about this plan, the resort wouldn't know about this!

They all went to buy different things, like new pillows, a broom (which I forgot to mention, Jennie broke) and yeah I think that's it

After a longggggggg search, they came across the exact same replica of the broom and pillows

They didn't clean up! But found a way to replace the smell of alcohol in the room, by...........stealing!

Jisoo managed to steal the same scent the room was from a cleaning product, they left the room how it was because the cleaners are going to clean today

They decided to check out of their rooms and go to Mrs Kim's, Taehyung's mother, beach house

Taehyung asked his mother, who, of course, agreed, Namjoon drove them all there by the van, they came and they arrived within an hour

They had 22 days (including today) for their rest and they decided to spent it with alot of thoughts

Tonight they were going to sit down and talk about what they were going to do for the rest 21 days (excluding today)

Timeskip, night, dinner,

"Dinner's ready!" Jin said, everyone went to the table and ate, (they could cook if they wanted too)

Lisa drank some water and looked at everyone, they seemed quiet, guess its time to talk.... Lisa thought

She cleared her throat gaining Jisoo's attention, Lisa motioned to Jisoo to talk but Jisoo told Lisa to talk

"You said you would" Lisa mouthed to Jisoo, "no" Jisoo mouthed to Lisa, "yeah you did" Lisa mouthed to Jisoo

Jisoo shook her head, Jennie who has been observing the two, had enough, "about the stuff we are going to do" Jennie started

Jisoo and Lisa signed in relief, "What about it?" Namjoon asked looking at Jennie, she shrugged

"What are we going to do for the 21 remaining days?" Jennie asked, Namjoon shrugged

"Are we going to sit around and do nothing?" Rosé asked the boys, "sure! If you want too...." Jimin told her

"Okay! Okay! You boys planned on just laying around all day, doing nothing, just watching tv?" Lisa asked

The 7 looked at each other, "basically....yeah" Yoongi answered, the girls raised a brow at him

"We know YOU will but what about the other 6?" Jisoo asked, the 6 shrugged, "whatever you girls plan" they shrugged

"If we plan something, you will do it?" Jennie asked, they all nodded, "i'd rather sleep!" Yoongi said but they ignored him

"Then it's settled! We will take care of the activities we are all going to do! And you boys are going to clean!" Lisa said

"What! Why should we clean?" Jimin whined, "because!" Jisoo raise her voice, "little boy" Jennie continued

"We are going" Rosé continued, "to stay awake all night planning the activities even the whole day" Lisa finished

The boys made their mouth in an 'o' shape, "okay, we agree, deal" Jin said and put his hand out

Jisoo put her hand out and they shook hands, Jimin raised his hand up, "yes Jimin" Jin said

"Will hyung help?" Jimin asked pointing towards Yoongi, "of course he will! Right Yoongi?" Jin asked, threateningly

Yoongi shrugged and kept on eating ignoring Jin's "threat", after dinner the girls sat down and searched for different activities they were gonna do

This kept them awake all night, they kept on searching and searching until they even had to get some red bull to drink

They bought a couple of cans of red bull, from a nearby grocery store, and now, it was 6:42 am, Jin was the first one to wake up

He found the girls sitting down at the table, now, passed out, with alot of cans of red bull surrounding the laptop they did their research on

Jin shook his head, "why did they have to do all of this in one day? they have alot of days before them" Jin remarked

He walked towards Jisoo and touched her shoulders, she flinched, waking up, she looked around and groaned

"Why did they have to stay awake with me? I could've done the last bit of re-search" Jisoo said to herself

She then heard someone clearing their throat, Jisoo looked behind her and saw Jin

"Shit! You scared me!" Jisoo put her hand over her heart, "Okay, first up, you should've waited till today to search for the activities"

"Second, you are being paranoid because of lack of sleep and third you need to go to sleep ON A BED!" Jin told her

Jisoo chuckled nervously, she stood up but fell down on the ground, she tried to stand up again but couldn't

"See! Your legs are numb now!" Jin scolded, he knelt down, putting his hand under her knees and the other behind her back

He lifted Jisoo up making her grab a hold of his neck, he walked upstairs and carried her to a room

The boys got a room together, they had eleven beds in the room while the girls had another room with four beds

Jin placed Jisoo gently on a bed and covered her with a big giant blanket but not before handing her his shirt

He got the shirt on the way up, Jin left, closing the door, Jisoo changed into the shirt and went back downstairs

The boys were still asleep, he went to the table the girls were re-searching and took all the information, thr girls got, in order

He brought it to the room Jisoo was sleeping in and put it on a table, he went to check on the boys to find them all awake

"Hey guys, three of you need to carry three of the girls to a bedroom, they stayed awake all night"

"Now asleep at the table", "who is downstairs?" Taehyung asked, "um....Jennie, Rosé and Lisa" Jin answered

Jin the felt a gush of wind, when he looked at the beds, the three boys were gone

"They are inlove~" Hoseok said daydreaming about Liskook, Jinsoo, Taennie and Jirose getting married

"My boys are all grown up!" Jin said, wiping an invisible tear from his eye, Namjoon then smirked

"Aren't you inlove hyung?" Namjoon asked, Yoongi woke up hearing that, the three all looked at Jin

"Um....who knows! Maybe?" Jin said, he chuckled nervously and ran out of the room

"Jungkook already found a girlfriend but look at me, I am a single, handsome guy who can't find love" Hoseok said

Namjoon gave him a look, "look, I am the single one here, you already found love, stop sulking"

Namjoon told Hoseok and left the room, "what does he mean by that?" Hoseok asked himself

"Maybe that you aren't going to be single by the end of the year?" Yoongi suggested, Hoseok shrugged "meh!"

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