Chapter 10

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Our bestfriends?

Namjoon thought, "oppa! Oppa! OPPA!?!?!!!!" Jisoo snapped, Namjoon looked at her shocked, he cleared his throat

"Yes Jisoo?" Namjoon asnwered, "now you answer! We have been calling you for 10 minutes!" Jisoo told him

"Actually it was 2 minutes and 52 seconds" Hoseok pointed out, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa all gave him a 'will you please not interrupt her or else she might kill you?' look

Hoseok nodded and looked away, "but anyways, are we gonna go?" Jisoo asked Namjoon, he nodded and took four bags from under the table

He threw one at each one of the girls, they caught it easily, "what's this for?" Lisa asked

"You will need to wear these" Yoongi simply answered, Jennie raised a brow at him, "and where do you think we are gonna do that?" Jennie asked

"Right here, infront of us!" Yoongi told her sarcastically, "now Jennie where do you think you need to change?" Hoseok asked

"In the bathroom room?" Jennie asked, the three managers nodded giving her a thumbs up

The girls got up and went to get dressed, they all came out wearing the outfits and might I add! They looked gorgeous in these outfits!

Jisoo wore a purple dress, it had a white bow around Jisoo's waist, the bow was covered with glitter and it had some gems at the very top of the dress around the neck part

She had some plain black high heels, held a glittery black handbag and she pinned the side of her hair with a blue hairpin shaped like a flower-design

Jennie wore a white dress, it had a wave-like structure at the bottom of dress with a thin glittery sheet which covers the down-part of the dress

She had some plain black high heels and both sides of her hair pinned back with a grey hairpin slapped like a leaf

Rosé wore a red dress, it had a 3-dimensional red rose made out of fabric at the bottom of the dress at the left side and the back of the dress was opened

She had some plain red high heels and she braided the right side of the her hair, pinning it at the back of her head with a purple hairpin shaped like a rose

Lisa wore a black dress, it had some black glitters at the bottom of the dress, around the dress, it had a red bow around her waist and its back was opened

She had some plain red high heels, she let her straight hair down and her necklace that she always hid from others was revealed, it had the words 'J.JK' engraved on it

"You girls" Hosoek started

"Look" Namjoon said

"Magneficent!" Yoongi finished

The girls all chuckled at their reactions, "thanks oppas! But don't you think this is too much? I mean....we are in a cafe...." Jisoo whispered

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok all shook their heads, "it's alright, we are going to meet the boys' parents anyways and also! We are going to meet Lisa's parents aswell!" Namjoon remarked

Lisa faked a smile that was really believable "yeah! my parents!" Lisa told them acting enthusiastically

"Good! Now since we got you girls ready! Let's go meet the great! oh-mighty! parents!" Hoseok shouted happily like he was going on an adventure, pumping his fist in the air

This caught everyone in the cafe's attentions, he cleared his throat and walked infront of the others and walked towards the door, the others all followed him to a car

They all got in and the driver all drove them to the comapny, it was huge! It was much bigger than the boys' house, the gates opened letting them in

The girls jaw drop, except for Lisa cause she already saw the company when she was a kid, they all got out of the car still shocked, they started to walk towards the company door

But then they spotted a woman who seemed to be in her 40s, "oh! Good afternoon girls! We haven't seen each other in years!" She told them

"Good afternoon Mrs Kim!" Jisoo greeted Jin's mother, the girls all bowed and looked up, Mrs Kim placed her hands on Jisoo's shoulders

"What! Don't call me Mrs Kim! How many times have I told you this Jisoo! Just call me mom cause you are going to be my son's future wife anyways!"

When Jisoo heard what Mrs Kim just said, she chocked on her own saliva, Jisoo smiled and nodded

"Good afternoon Lisa, Jennie and Rosé!You girls have grown so much!" Mrs Kim greeted the other three with a sweet smile

The girls all smiled at her, Mrs Kim was always so nice and always teased the girls, she was like the girls' mother, I mean all of the boys' mother were like this, I could say the same for the dads

But Lisa had it much more difficult, her two fathers, Mr Kim and Mr Manoban already arranged for her to marry someone and she doesn't like it

Its just that her life was always being controlled by her parents, she couldn't do anything but accept that, her mothers were great! Mrs Kim, Taehyung's stepmother and Mrs Manoban, her mother

"Lets go inside!" Mrs Kim told them, the 7 all made their way inside into the living room, Mrs Kim told all of them to wait there since she will get the parents

Just then, the parents entered the living room, "Good afternoon!" Mr Manoban greeted, Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok all bowed

"You might be wondering why we all wanted to talk to you here at the company, right?" Mr Manoban asked, the girls nodded

"Well Lisa, you know that you have to get married next month with Jung" Lisa nodded with a straight face

"We want you girls and the boys to spend a 30-day vacation at a hotel all together before you get married, just to celebrate your last days of being single" Mr Manoban explained

"So, do you agree?" Mr Manoban asked, "yes! yes! I do father! I do agree! I get to spend my last days of being single with my bestfriends and it is all I could asked for!" Lisa smiled

Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé all squealed, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were still all confused, "how are they your bestfriends?" Yoongi asked

"Oh! We met after 6 days and became bestfriends! Just like that!" Jennie told them sarcastically, "what do you think oppas?" Rosé asked

Their jaws dropped, they did have a hunch about it but wanted to hear it with their own ears, the girls all laughed

"Yes's us....your bestfriends...."

Thanks for a 150 reads! I am so so so SO! Sorry again! I haven't updated quicker! My exams are in a month now and I won't be updating for 3 weeks because that's how long my exams are gonna last, I am sorry again! But also! Thank you for reading! Thank you for voting! Have a nice day! Don't forget to smile! Goodnight/ Goodafternoon /Goodmorning and love ya! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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