Chapter 24

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"I love you" Jisoo said

"I love you too, Chu" Jin said


When Jin and Jisoo said that, someone was awake, someone with their first and last name, starting with J, someone of the name, Jeon Jungkook

He was really confused upon hearing that, are they dating? They can't date, right? An assistant can't date their senior! But....

Jungkook quickly got out of his trance, after seeing Jin peck Jisoo's cheek, he made a weird face

Yuck! Didn't know hyung was like that! Jungkook said thinking about the peck again, he shivered, just the thought of it

He noticed the girl who was sleeping next to him gone, he looked around the van and saw her taking a pic of Jin's peck

She slowly made her way towards her seat and saw Jungkook awake, "hello Kook" Lisa said nervously

She sat next to him, "hello doll...." Jungkook said suspiciously, "about Jin and Jisoo" Jungkook started

Lisa smiled nervously, "what about them?" She asked acting like she doesn't know anything

"You know what i'm talking about! I saw you taking a picture-" Lisa quickly covered his mouth

They both fell on the seat, Jungkook on top of Lisa, "why did you do that?" Jungkook asked Lisa

" ex is talking to....Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie" Lisa told Jungkook, he made his mouth into an 'o' shape

"But hasn't he seen us already?" Jungkook asked Lisa who shrugged, they both sat up, Lisa fixed her hair

"Hey LiLi!" The ex said, "crap" Lisa muttered under her breath, "heyyyyyyyyy Jaaaaaaaamesssssss" Lisa said nervously

The van was parked infront of a store, James opened the van door and got in, he went towards Lisa

"Help me God, please" Lisa said to herself, not realising she said it outloud, James sat next to Jungkook

Lisa scooted closer to the window, Jungkook went closer to Lisa, which made her surprised but not as much

"Whatcha doing man!" James asked Jungkook, he shrugged and kissed Lisa's forehead, James eyes widened

"Are you her boyfriend?" James asked, Jungkook nodded, "i don't believe you" James told them

"Do you want us to prove it to you?" Jungkook asked, Lisa shook her head but Jungkook ignored her

"Yeah!" James told him, Jungkook nodded and pinned Lisa to the window, he leaned closer to her lips

"Sorry doll" Jungkook said

Timeskip! 2 hrs later

It has been two hours and now, they had all arrived home, everyone was awake except for Yoongi and Jennie

Namjoon carried Jennie to her room because the other boys were bringing the suitcases inside the house

Lisa and Rosé brought Yoongi to a guest room, they each put one of his hands over their shoulders and brought him inside

They threw him on the bed and high fived, "he's so heavy!" Lisa told Rosé who agreed, they took a blanket and covered him with it

They closed the curtains, preventing light from entering the room and went outside the room

Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were going to stay at the house because it will be a very long drive to their house

Jennie woke up a few minutes after being put in her room, she went to the kitchen and pour herself a glass of juice

Rosé was taking a nice, relaxing, bath, after unpacking, she really needed that, just some alone time

Jisoo was in her room watching Stranger things with Jin, cuddling on the bed with him

"Unnie! Can I borrow your eyelash curler?" Lisa asked barging in the room, Jin quickly took his arm away from Jisoo

"Yeah Lis, here" Jisoo said getting up and taking her eyelash curler, she gave it to Lisa

Lisa quickly left not wanting to disturb her ship when Lisa made her way outside, she spotted Jungkook

She quickly turned around, not wanting to face him, he smirked and approached her

"Hello doll~" he whispered in her ear, she jumped and turned around, he laughed

Lisa glared at him, leaving to go back to her room, "doll! Lis! Lisa!" Jungkook called and that made Lisa run off

"You scared her!" Jungkook heard someone say, he screamed and punched that person, "ow!" He heard another deep voice say

Jungkook's eyes widened, realising who he had hit, "sorry hyung!" Jungkook told Taehyung, "i-its alright Kook" Taehyung said

"Sorry again hyung" Jungkook said looking down, "but what do you mean by that noona?" Jungkook asked Jennie

"You did something that might have made her scared" Jennie told Jungkook, taking Taehyung's hands and dragging him somewhere

Jungkook was left there, confused....

Happy Jimin day! He's already 24, 25 in Korean age but oh well! And i'm so happy for him, his birthday is just a day after mind which is on the 12th, i'm 13 now!

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