Chapter 14

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It was the second day at the resort and now it was 10 am, they were all hanging out by the pool

Jungkook and Taehyung decided to go into the pool and relax while the others were just lounging on the pool chair under an umbrella

Jimin went on a walk, he didn't know what Lisa meant, he couldn't sleep at all last night because he was only thinking about it

He then realised that he forgot to tell the others he went on a walk, he reached his pocket, only to find out that he also left his phone in Jisoo's bag

Shit! Now I have to go get it! Jimin thought, he turned back around and started to walk back to the pool but then he spotted someone familiar

It seems like that person spotted him too, "hey Jimin!" A man said, Jimin smiled and jogged towards the man

"Hey Kai! What's up?" Jimin asked, "oh nothing! Me and Seulgi are on our honeymoon!" Kai told Jimin

"Right! You just got married last week!" Jimin said pointing out, "yep!" Kai said with a smile

"What are you doing here anyways?" Kai asked, "oh! I'm here with the guys and with other four girls!" Jimin told Kai

"Right your bestfriends!" Jimin frowned, "what do you mean?" Jimin asked, Kai was confused for a second but then he gave a smile

"Stop joking around man! Your bestfriends, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Rosé, your crush! Can't believe you guys aren't together yet!" Kai told Jimin

Jimin still didn't get it though, "but anyways! Have fun!" Jimin said waving and walked off, now he had alot on his mind

Once he got back, he saw Jisoo walking towards him, "you seriously left your phone with me without knowing" Jisoo commented

"Sorry Jisoo noona!" Jimin said cutely and looked down, Jisoo chuckled, she patted his head

"Its alright, now help me get Taehyung and Jennie to stop fighting weather milk icecream is good or not" Jimin looked infront of him and saw the two fighting

"Those two, they never change!" Jimin blurted out, but then, his eyes widened, he ran away to his room, Jisoo was confused by this

"Whats up with him?" Jisoo asked Jin who was walking towards her, "don't know....he must have also forgotten something in his room"Jin joked

Jisoo glared at Jin, "stop teasing the poor kid, he wouldn't just run off like that!" Jisoo scolded Jin

"Right! Jisoo noona" Jin said with a cheeky smile, Jisoo punched his arm but then held her hand, she looked up at him

"Since when have you gotten strong?" Jisoo asked, "i might have been working out" Jin shrugged, Jisoo started to laugh

"What?" Jin asked, "you! Workout?" Jin nodded, Jisoo laughed more, she had tears in her eyes, she wiped her tears away

Jisoo patted Jin's shoulder, "goodluck then" she said and then walked off leaving Jin really confused but then his eyes widened

"Wait! Kim Jisoo! Comeback here!" Jin started to chase Jisoo who ran away from Jin, oh! And Namjoon was the one who stopped the fight between Taehyung and Jennie

"Now! Put you two in each others shoes! It's alright to have different opinions!" Namjoon told Taehyung and Jennie

The two then thought about it, "yeah...." Taehyung nodded, the two hugged each other out of nowhere, but then....

"You must buy me another packet of snacks!" Lisa was heard saying, "no!" Jungkook then said, Oh boy Namjoon thought

In Jimin's, Taehyung's and Jungkook's room

Jimin arrived in the room and shut the door, locking it, he was sweaty, his ears were red, his eyes were teary, he didn't know what was happening to him

It can't be them! It can't be! Th-they, they, would have already told us about it if they met us! But....their names are the same, their hair colour, their eyes

Lisa is always so playful, Jisoo always the responsible one, Jennie the savage one and Rosé, the cute, little chipmunk, that I have had a crush on since forever

They are them, I know for sure but I still need to make sure of it, I must make sure i'm right!

Jimin thought, he pumped his fist in the air but then he heard a knock on the door, he opened it and saw Taehyung, Jennie was by his side

"Hey alien! Can you please go get the key now!" Jennie said, her arms crossed, Taehyung clenched his fist, he went to get the card which acted as a key

Apparently, Lisa left the key here in the boys' room before they went to the pool, Taehyung gave the card to Jennie

"Thanks" Taehyung smiled, "alien" Jennie smirked before leaving, Taehyung growled, "woah! Dude! Calm down!" Jimin told Taehyung

"You're right, she is still the savage Jen I knew" Taehyung said out of nowhere but then his eye's widened

"Wait what!" Taehyung told himself, "she can't be, now, can she?" Taehyung eyed a smirking Jimin, now he had proof

"She might be" Jimin teased before going to sleep for abit, Taehyung was really confused right now but shrugged it off

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