Chapter 7

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It was the fourth day for the girls living with the boys, they were all doing their own things

Jin was in his room apparently admiring himself in the mirror for the 92nd time today, Jimin was trying to figure out why his fingers were small

(omg! His smol cute fingers! *squeals* fine! I'll stop, i'll stop....but seriously! His smol fingers!)

Taehyung and Jungkook were both playing overwatch, Jisoo was in her room playing some games on her phone, Jennie was sleeping

Rosé and Lisa were both in Rosé's room listening to songs and dancing and singing to them

But then....knock! Knock! They heard someone knocking on their door, they all jumped since they weren't really expecting anyone today

They all came out of their rooms and met with each other in the living room, "did Joon oppa, Yoongs oppa or Hobi oppa say they were coming today?" Jisoo asked

"No....they did not...." Jin told her, then they heard the knock again, they all jumped and hid behind Jisoo

"I'm too handsome to die~" Jin said, they all gave him a 'really?' look, he shrugged

"Get out! I'm sure it must be someone we know since the guard's let them in!" Jisoo told them calming them down but Jimin being the clueless boy he is, said

"But isn't today their day off?" He asked, Jisoo glared at him, he was still confused though not understanding her intentions

"Then....who is it?" Jennie asked scared, "don't know...." Jisoo shrugged, "don't you all want to find out who it is?" Jisoo asked

They all shook their heads indicating they don't want to, Jisoo signed and stepped forward, "we are going to miss you Jisoo unnie!" Lisa told her, she glared at Lisa

Jisoo signed and slowly made her way to the door, her hands slowly reached the door knob and! BOOM! Mr Min was their with Mr Kim and Mr Jung

"Oh! Hi oppas!" Lisa said waving, "told you so!" Jisoo told them and walked towards them

"May we come in now?" Mr Min asked bored, "oh! Right! Come in! Come in!" Taehyung said motioning them inside, Taehyung closed the door and locked it

They all went towards the kitchen and sat down at the really long table next to the kitchen (which I forgot to mention, sorry✌)

"Anyways....what are you doing here today, Yoongi oppa, Namjoon oppa and Hoseok oppa?" Jennie asked

"We came here today because we heard that there was a killer on loose...." Mr Kim explained, their eyes widened

"Today is our unlucky day! The guards aren't here today and not everywhere is locked!" Jimin said scared

"Then go lock them!" Mr Jung told them, Lisa raised a brow at him, "aren't you three coming?" Lisa asked, "wha-hat! Noooo!" Mr Jung said shaking his hands

"You go!" He told her, Mr Min and Mr Kim nodded approvingly, Lisa scoffed, "look Min oppa, Joonie oppa and Hobi oppa!" They all jumped except for Yoongi

"I know you are our managers but if you don't help us then you will only get murdered much quicker" Lisa scared them, Mr Jung quickly stood up

"I don't wanna die! We'll help!" Mr Jung told her, Lisa smirked, "that's what I like to hear!" Lisa said proudly

"Now!" Lisa slammed her fist on the table, "get your asses off those chairs and help us!" Lisa said

"Lisa! Language!" Jin and Jisoo said at the same time, "yeah! Yeah!" Lisa told them like a rebellious teen

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