Chapter 23

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It's been 3 weeks since they all came to stay at the beach house, they enjoyed themselves alot at the becah house and it was really sad leaving

They did a bunch of activities which the girls planned and it was really fun, they all entered the van after putting their suitcases in the trunk

Jisoo decided to drive because for the last two rides from Namjoon was really nerve racking

Namjoon did not drive fast or slow or hit anyone or anything but it was still difficult to trust him

He was named god of destruction for a reason, ya know? Jisoo sat at the driver's seat, Jin sat on the passenger's seat

The others sat at the back, Jisoo started the engine and she drove off, it will be a really long ride

It hasn't even been 10 minutes and they heard, "i'm bored~" Lisa and Taehyung whined

"Do you want to play truth or dare then?" Jisoo asked looking in the rear view mirror

"YES!" they both said at the same time, "what! No! We just played it a week back!" Rosé said, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon agreed

"But we're bored~" Lisa said like a kid who wants candy, "but we just played it recently!" Hoseok told Lisa

"Fine!" Lisa agreed, crossing her arm, pouting and plopped herself on the seat

"Don't worry Lis, you'll find something to do" Namjoon told her, messing up her hair

Lisa pushed his hand away from her head and sulked, Jin laughed at the childish Lisa but then he thought of something

"Why don't we play Never have I ever?" Jin suggested, Lisa's face lit up, she looked at Rosé, Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok with puppy eyes

"Please~" Lisa said with pouty lips, the four looked at each other and agreed, Lisa and Taehyung high fived

"Lets start the game!" Lisa said, they all raised two of their hands except for Jisoo, obviously and Yoongi who was sleeping

"Okay, hmmmmmm, Jen unnie! You start!" Lisa told Jennie, Jennie nodded and puffed out her cheeks, thinking of something

"Hmmmm! Never have I ever stepped on dog poop bare footed!" Jennie said not realising she was acting cute

Taehyung, Jungkook, Lisa, Jin and Namjoon put down a finger, Jennie, Rosé, Jin, Hoseok made a face

"Okay next!" Lisa said, "who will ask?" Lisa asked, nobody raised their hands

"Um....Jichu unnie?" Lisa said, Jisoo signed and nodded, "okay, never have I ever cried because of food" Jisoo said

Lisa frowned knowing the question was directed to her, Lisa put down a finger, she was the only one to put her finger down

"Moving on!" Lisa said, "um....never have I ever hooked up with someone" Jisoo said

Lisa, Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jennie put down a finger, "i'm gonna lose" Lisa sniffed

"Next!" Rosé said, "never have I ever had a crush on my very own bestfriend" Jisoo said

Lisa, Jennie, Taehyung, Rosé, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok put a finger down

"Who?" Jungkook asked Lisa, jealous "um....someone?" Lisa told him, sarcastically "moving on from this drama!" Hoseok said, dramatically

"Never have I ever ditched class" Jisoo said, everyone who was playing put a finger down

"I'm losing" Lisa mumbled, "okay next!" Jennie said, "never have I ever fallen inlove" Jisoo said

Lisa groaned, she put a finger down, Jennie followed, Rosé, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jin put their fingers down

"Never have I ever drank alcohol as a teen" nobody put their fingers down, "never have I ever smoked as a teen" nobody, yet again! put their fingers down

"Never have I ever had math as my favourite subject" Rosé, Namjoon and Hoseok put their fingers down

"Never have I ever used face cream instead of toothpaste to brush my teeth" Jisoo said, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, Jennie and Hoseok put their fingers down

"Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush" Jin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Lisa put their finger down

"What who's!" Rosé asked, "Taehyung's" Jin said, "Namjoon's" Taehyung said, "Jin's" Namjoon said, "Jisoo's" Lisa said

"What! Did I change it? Did I change it? Did I change it?" Jisoo asked Lisa who nodded, the game kept on going until,

"Lisa, you lost and Jungkook, you also lost, for once Jimin won and you both will have to be flicked by Jennie" Jisoo said

Lisa's and Jungkook's eyes widened, Jennie smiled evilly and flicked them both

Jennie and Lisa fell asleep an hour later and then, one by one, they each fell asleep

"Oppa?" Jisoo called Jin in a whisper, "yeah" Jin answered, "have they fallen asleep?" Jisoo asked, Jin looked at the back

"Yeah, why?" Jin asked, "oh nothing! Just wanted to tell you that,




Jisoo said, Jin chuckled

"I love you too, Chu" Jin said, he leaned towards her and kissed her cheek making smile

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